Living Army

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The Living Army is the Kingdom of Akaria's national army.




The Living Army was established by Living King, Karkon Deram on 16-9 1602 through his 6th dictate to provide a united force in case of an attack by the Andu Kur. At this, it was funded via the taxation of the Deram's allies.

The Withering and Marauder Crisis

Between 1518 TT and 1516 TT the Karin Plain suffered through the worst recorded failure of the combkar crop resulting in a famine known as the Withering. On 1-1 1515 TT Living King, Saymok Deram issued his 8th dictate calling for the mass import of swamp leaf, and the mass conversion of the derelict combkar farms into leaf bogs. To fund this endeavour he defunded and temporarily disbanded the Living Army. Many former members of the Living Army soon began marauding throughout the Karin Plain beginning the Marauder Crisis, though the scale of the crisis only became apparent after the Burning of Skrasken on 11-6 1514 TT.

The Living Army was reformed on 15-6 1514 TT though Saymok's 9th Dictate was issued, but the population had been reduced by the Withering and Saymok was unable to recruit enough men to bring the Living Army up to pre-famine numbers. As the crisis went on Saymok's authority weakend as the marauders began establishing themselves as warlords.

On 28-9, 1471 TT one of the warlord groups, the Komur Feyak led by Temur Bokok advanced into the Deram lands and were not driven off by the Living Army as others had been and managed to reach the Tumak Ordok on 7-10 1471 TT where Temur killed Living King, Bark Dar in a duel and was declared Living King as Temure Bokok and Dar by three ossbosches he had brought with him. On 17-4 1468 TT, he issued his 1st Dictate merging the Komur Feyak into the Living Army. Following the merger, a campaign against the feyaks began, known as the Temur's March. On 30-6 1450 TT Temur assembled the leaders of the Kadrikes and representatives from the Weer Nation in Ablesken and on 11-7 1450 TT with the support of the various assembled people he issued Temur's 6th Dictate. The dictate established a nationwide tax dedicated to the maintenance of the Living Army. Payment of the tax could be opted out of if the corresponding Kadrike maintained an army of their own. This brought a gradual end to the Marauder Crisis.

Goghon's War

Goghon Perat launched an invasion of the Andu Kur on 25-7 1425 TT, known as Goghon's War. Goghon personally led the Living Army along with the armies of the various Kadrikes. Goghon was killed by an assassin during the Siege of Mida on 19-4 1422 TT and was replaced as Leader of the Living Army by Dakarkon Deram. The war ended with an Akarian victory on 8-1 1419 TT.

Arrest of Akabata Mikare

The Living Army arrested Akabata Mikare on 25-8 1392 TT for not allowing Emachium Mikare to lead the Mikare, thus violating Dakarkon's 1st Dictate.

Moyot's War

On 29-1 1237 TT, Living King, Shinkor Garvak had the Living Army intervene in Moyot's War on the side of the Kakay. The war ended on 21-2 1337 TT with the Kakay victorious.

Establishment of the Kingdom of Akaria

Between 1196 TT and 1198 TT Living King, Matart Kakay began reforming the Akarian Confederation into the Kingdom of Akaria. Matart issued his 58th Dictate on 8-7 TT 1198 TT, redefining the structure of the Living Army and formally naming its leader the High Director of the Living Army.

Subjugation of the Andu Kur

On 15-2 1110 TT the Living Army along with all the Kadrike Armies invaded the Andu Kur through the Mikare Kadrike.

The Living Army captured King Urdono of the Andu Kur on 27-2 1105 TT. Urdono was personally executed by Living King, Garikoph Perat on 7-3 1105 TT, ending the war. After this Garikoph issued his 36th Dictate annexing the Andu Kur and establishing the Warden of the Andu to manage Akaria's newly acquired land. The Warden of the Andu was granted authority over a portion of the Living Army.

4th Living Election

Garikoph's death on 9-12 1163 TT triggered the 4th Living Election. The ruling Bosken Perikat had recommended Boikokok Lakar as the next Living King, However, Hotak Boloi, Ossbosche of the Bojin suggested that Garikoph had been preparing High Director of the Living Army Umanay Deram to succeed him. Though most of the electors did not believe Hotak's theory they recognised that Umanay, as High Director of the Living Army, might try to overthrow whoever they elected and his popularity would ensure that the Living Army followed his word. Umanay was elected Living King on 6-5 1103 TT.

Destruction of Aesdu

Living King Bonoi Deram issued his 1st Dictate, issued on 12-5 1076 TT ordered the immediate evacuation of all Ald and converted Andu from Aesdu and barred any non-converted Andu from leaving. The Living Army, under the orders of Bonoi in his capacity as Warden of the Deram, began gradually killing the remaining population of the city. Bonoi's 2nd Dictate, issued on 20-10 1076 TT ordered the destruction of every, road building and foundation in Aesdu. The city was completely gone by the end of the year.

Able War

The Ossbosche of East Able Oyun Deram died on 16-8 594 TT. Three days later, the udenbosches of the osslette elected Amarkil Arkara to replace him. The Osslette of East Able and its predecessor, the Osslette of Borkaim had always been held by the Deram or someone affiliated with them and the Arkara were very rivals of the Deram. On 21-8 594 TT, in an attempt to remove Amrkil's legitimacy, Living King, Arikarin Deram issued his 8th Dictate. The dictate declared that the successor to the Ossbosche of East Able was to be whoever was appointed to be the successor by the previous ossboche and in situations where no successor was appointed it was the Living King's duty to appoint one from among the osslette's udenbosches. After the issuing of the dictate, Arikarin had the Living Army forcibly remove Amarkil from the Borkaim Ordok.

After his removal, Amarkil wrote to his second cousin and Ossbosche of Saekraim, Makaro Arkara to help him get his position back. Makaro contacted other members of the Arkara and the former members of the Saeskar Perikat who began preparing their forces for war. On 29-10, 594 TT the forces of the Anti-Deram Coalition (ADC) set off for East Able beginning the Able War.

On 1-7 593 TT Arikarin's 481st Dictate was issued. The dictate ordered all kadrike armies to become subservient to the Living Army, this change angered Arikarin allies leading to them defecting to the ADC.

The ADC managed to breach the Tumak Ordok on 26-2 591 TT. During the battle for the ordok, Arikarin was killed with his remaining forces surrendering soon after. The ADC used Arikarin's body to issue three dictates in the dead hand; Arikarin's 713th Dictate nullified the majority of Arikarin's dictates, Arikarin's 14th Dictate recognized the Arkara as a Kadrike and Arikarin's 715th Dictate established the Ossbosche Assembly and formalised the Council of Akaria. Makaro Arkara was elected Living King on 28-4 591 TT.

False War

On 14-3 9 TT High Director of the Living Army, Donachar Arkara was assassinated. Living King, Bantar Arkara replaced him with Somatoi Kakay, who was assassinated on 18-5 9 TT. Bantar didn't appoint a successor after that.


Harakar's 3rd Dictate

24-1 1 PC, in the immediate aftermath of the Grand Calming Living King, Harakar Oken issued his 3rd dictate. The dictate gave the Living King the ability to organise Akaria's military forces outside the Kingdom of Akaria however he wished.

Operation Crab Rescue

Members of the Living Army participated in Operation Crab Rescue. During the operation, the Living Army lacked a high director with the forces involved being led by High Director of the Akarian Navy, Akrake Oken.

Arkara Uprsing of 3 PC

On 8-2 3 PC Leader of the Arkara and Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of Harakar's 10th Dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The Arkara Army entered into defensive positions across the Arkara Kadrike and the city of Saeskar. Harakar fled Ablesken for Oksken on the day of the declaration. Two days later Harakar appointed Amarok Bokok as High Director of the Living Army.

The Living Army began assaults on various locations in the Arkara Kadrike on 14-2 3 PC whilst the Skrake Army attacked the Arkara's fortified position in Saeskar. The Living Army was both numerically and technologically superior to the Arkara Army and quickly captured all the land in the Arkara Kadrike save for Agrada, Ablesken, Borkraim and Durantum where the Arkara had recruited large-ramshackle militias. The conflict ended on 24-3 3 PC when Kamakata Arkara, Harakar Oken, the Ossbosche Assembly and the Skrake reached an agreement.

Attack on Nkrama

The Living Army and Akarian Navy attacked Nkrama on 13-7 17 PC and put Aakar Orit back in charge of Okrit.