Eastern Bloc

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The Eastern Bloc is an economic and military alliance on the eastern side of the Attu Archipelago.

List of Member States

State Accention Notes
Kingdom of Akaria 23-1 5 PC Founding member
Haute eee 23-1 5 PC Founding member
Siô eee
Kingdom of Tietero 25 PC
Republic of Utlia 23-1 5 PC Founding member


The Eastern Bloc was formed on 23-1 5 PC via the 1st Agreement Agreement signed by Living King, Harakar Oken, Roy of Haute eee, Cok Ulri and President of Utlia, Yyme Braia. Prior to it's formation both Haute eee and the Republic of Utlia were in separate military alliances with the Kingdom of Akaria.

Siô eee split off from Haute eee on 5-2 5 PC, mLât of Siô eee, Pak Goose-step stated his intention to have his state remain in the Eastern Bloc. Shortly after all three nations that made up the Eastern Bloc at the time recogniesed Siô eee as having joined the block on the moment they sperated from Haute eee.


- Mutual defence

- Free trade between members

- The use of the haracalnde in trade

- The bloc may coordinate interventionalist military operations, though there is no framework in place for how these would be be coordinated

- Freedom of movement between Akaria and Haute eee and Utlia and Haute eee