5 PC Eastern Bloc Summit

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The 5 PC Eastern Bloc Summit was a meeting in Agreement, Haute eee which saw the establishment of the Eastern Bloc via the 1st Agreement Agreement.


Prior to the summit Haute eee, the Republic of Utlia and the Kingdom of Akaria did a lot of trading with one another. At the same time, both Utlia and Haute eee were in alliances with the Kingdom of Akaria. It was decided before the summit that a mutual economic and military alliance would be created between the three countries with a meeting in Agreement to iron out the details.


The summit began on 22-1 5 PC. The first day saw discussions on the subject of military cooperation and immigration.

The second and last day of the summit saw discussions about trade and calendar usage. The second day also saw the signing of the 1st Agreement Agreement.


Akarian delegation

Utlian delegation

Hautean delegation