Adar Daily

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Adar Daily is an Akaria television and radio show.



Beginning in the early 40 TTs the Oken Kadrike was struck by several violent attacks against members of the Oken carried out by the impoverished population of Oksken. To try and raise public opinion of the Oken, Leader of the Oken, Adar Oken created Adar Daily.

Adar era

The show was recorded everyday in the morning, usualy whilst Adar was having breakfast. Adar maintained an informal setting and rarely wrote a script for the episodes. If Adar was not at his home an episode was not recorded. The show proved to be a public image success for the Oken.

Initially Adar only talked about the large problems facing the people of Oksken but as the show came on he would frequently discuss whatever was on his mind, ranging from the weather to upcoming business of his.

Adar ran the show until he died on 12-8 34 TT.

Donkazar era

Adar's nephew Donkazar Oken replaced him as host on 14-10 34 TT.

Donkazar was born in and lived in the town of Amoskar and was thus unable to comment on issues facing the people of Oksken. Despite this the show was a larger success under him than it was under Adar due mostly to Donkazar wit and natural charm.

In 27 TT, Leader of the Oken, Johnakar Oken had Donkazar add a news segment to the show and had Donkazar's sister-in-law Araim Oken co-host said segment. The news segment was added to serve as Oken propaganda.

Donkazar retired on 1-1 3 PC and was replaced by his son Lankazar Oken.

Lankazar era

During Lankazar's tenure the show leaned even more into the news/propaganda side of things.