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From around 2000 TT to 1800 TT the Oken led the Okenarian Confederation who controlled the southern Karin Plain with allies in the northern plain. The confederation was torn apart by the Andu Invasion of Karinia of 1800 TT.


Kadar met with Amoka, Leader of the Oken on 3-7 1792 TT. He had come to request the Oken's aid in his upcoming war against the Andu Kur. Amoka declined claiming that if they were to go to war with the Andu so soon after their last defeat to them they'd be wiped out. Amoka's son Chalatun supported and made allies with Kadar, bringing with him many of the Oken's warriors who wished for revenge against the Andu. Amoka expelled Chalatun who founded the Banokan to counteract this.

Karinian Confederation

The Oken joined the Akarinian Confederation on 17-31 1721 TT under the leadership of Komeok. The condition for joining was that Kameok's daughter Malain would marry Gotiph, Leader of the Akarinian Confederation and all the sons she gave birth to would be a part of the Oken.

Oksken Perikat

On 13-7 4 TT, Living King Bantar Arkara was assassinated triggering the 42nd Living Election. There was much debate within the Ossbosche Assembly as to who to replace Bantar with. The once esteemed Arkara had attempted to overthrow the assembly, whereas the other major group, the Perat and their allies, were suspected to have been behind the assassination of Bantar. On 30-10 2 TT the Ossbosche Assembly named Harakar Oken Living King on the grounds that the Oken were unaffiliated with either side. This began the Oksken Perikat.

Trade deals

On 23-4 1 PC the Oken began sending gunpowder and hydrochloric acid to the Republic of Utlia in exchange for coal.