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Oksken is a city in the Kingdom of Akaria. It is the capital of the Okenate Osslette and the Oken Kadrike.

One of the events that greatly contributed to the city's development was the Great Weer Fire of 143 TT. The fire, which was caused by an explosion in a chemical plant destroyed most of the massive industrial sector of Manser and led to the Weer moving production of volatile chemicals to the underdeveloped town of Oksken. In the years that followed the move, significantly more factories were built in the area by the native Oken.

The Foreign Examiner ranked Oksken as one of the friendliest cities in Akaria for foreigners. The central Oksken Village is popular among foreign visitors to the city.


Pre-Nomadic period

Archaeological finds indicate that the area that Oksken currently occupies had been inhabited on and off for a significant period. Remains of temporary settlements dating back to around 5000 TT were discovered in the centre of today's Chemical District.

Nomadic period

The Nomadic Period was marked by more constant habitation by specific tribal groups. Around 1820 TT the Oken Tribal Group constructed Oksken Fortress cementing both the pseudo-permanent settlement of the Oken and the first recorded use of the name Oksken. Soon after the construction of the fortress, a slightly larger settlement sprang up surrounding it.

The location of Oksken on the southern shores of the Karin Plains gave it a slight edge over other early Karinian settlements. As it was far to the south of the island the settlement rarely experienced Andu raids and as it was located on the shore competition from rival tribal groups was limited. Though the location also lacked many natural resources which severely limited the growth of the tribal group.

Confederate period

A Kadarist shrine and accompanying building was established in Oksken at some point following the establishment of the Akarian Confederation in 1787 TT. The Oken Tribal Group joined the Akarian Confederation on 7-30 1721 TT. By this point, most in Oksken had become adherents to Kadarism.

Absolutist period

Oksken was placed into the Okenate Osslette after the creation of the Kingdom of Akaria.

Assembled period

On 20-11, 587 TT the Leader of the Oken, Maerkar Oken established the official boundaries of Oksken along with the Oksken Governing Council.

A fire broke out in a chemical refinery in the city of Manser on 17-3 143 TT. By the next day, the fire had engulfed large portions of Manser's industrial district and by the time it was extinguished five days after it had started the industrial district along with parts of surrounding districts were gone. The fire was soon followed by massive protests and strikes in Manser against the production of volatile chemicals within the city centre. On 1-5, 143 TT the Leader of the Oken, Naikar Oken met with the Oceanic Council in Manser to discuss a proposal he had come up with. Naikar told the council about how the Oken owned a large amount of relatively worthless land in Oksken and would be willing to let Oksken take on Manser's chemical production. The deal he proposed would give the Oceanic Council control over a portion of his Oken's land for twenty years, at which point the land and anything on the land would revert to the control of the Oken. In addition, ten percent of all profits generated from the land would go to the Oken. After three days and the murder of Amsani Weer, the Oceanic Council accepted the offer. During the two decades following the industrial sector in Naikar continued to decline leading Naikar to make further deals of a similar nature with other Weer. The Naikar Deals marked Oksken's transition from a rural backwater to an industrial hot spot.

On 30-10 2 TT Harakar Oken, an Oksken native and member of the Oken was elected Living King.

Calm period

On 24-12, 1 PC the Naikar Port was completed. The Naikar Port would serve as Akaria's first and largest international port. Between the creation of the port and the construction of the High Weer Port in 3 PC any large amount of foreign trade to and from Akaria had to go through Oksken.

During the Arkara Uprising in early 3 PC, Oksken served as the seat of the Living King and served as the country's de facto capital. The Living King returned to Ablesken on 7-4.


Oksken is located on the Karinian Coast, which benefited significantly from the economic transformation of 143 TT than regions located closer to Akaria's old industrial sector. The city is now Akaria's largest industrial centre.

Even though Oksken is located in the Karinian Plains, most internal investments come from non-Karinian portions of the country. Oksken is one of the few cities in Akaria to allow foreign investment.


Historic sites

Located in south-central Oksken is the Oksken Village. The village is made up of some seventy buildings that were around before the Naikar Deals. The buildings are privately owned by the Oken Family and are the primary residence for many of the family's most prominent members.

The Oksken Fortress Museum is a historic site located on the southeast side of the city containing what's left of the Oksken Fortress and a recreation of the fortress and surrounding village.


At the highest level of Oksken's government is the Oksken Governing Council (OGC). The council is composed of twelve members appointed by the head of the Oken Family and serve until they either die, resign or are removed by the head of the Oken Family. Below the OGC are the Oksken Economic Council, the Oksken Cultural Council and the Oksken City Improvement Council.