Alinkar Oken

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Alinkar Oken is an Akarian clothing designer.

Alinkar Oken
Personal details
Born23-5 32 TT
Oksken, Kingdom of Akaria
Parent(s)Johnakar Oken
Karlal Oken


Early life

Alinkar Oken was born in Oksken. She was raised mostly by her mother Karlal as her father Johnakar was elected Leader of the Oken in 29 TT and had little time for family.


On 17-2 11 TT Alinkar was hired by her father to design the uniforms for the Oken Army.

Factories in eee

On 1-4 6 PC Johnakar and Living King, Harakar Oken, brokered a deal in which Alinkar's cousin Kuzakar Oken would purchase two plots of land in Siô eee to build clothing factories and Alinikar Oken would start using government owned factories in Siô eee to produce bulk industrial goods. Alinkar did not normaly partake in the industrial goods industry and only agreed to the deal so that the Oken could get a foot hold in Siô eee. In addition Kuzakar would provide Alinkar with free clothing material. The industrial goods produced at this factory was sold to Utlia.