Naikar Memorial School

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The Naikar Memorial School is a Standard School located in Oksken, Okenate, on the edge of the Oksken Village.

Sports teams at the school are all called the Naikar Water Yaks.


The school opened on 13-2 104 TT with a student population of 722. It was named after Naikar Oken; a man considered to be the founder of modern Oksken. The building has around 7,000 square metres of area contained in two buildings. The school was originally desighned with a single biulding with the second larger building opening on 13-2 31 TT.


The regular school day includes six classroom periods, a 15-minute recess break, and a 45-minute lunch break. In addition to normal classes Naikar Memorial offers Bussiness Pychology, Advanced Finances and Comparitive Economics. These classes are outside of the regular school day and are held early in the morning.

Naikar Memorial also offers an athletics program in which students may choose to represent the school in a competitive sports team. Some sports played by the school include: Pitball, Kokok, Land Tracking, Wrestling, Yakking, Water Yakking, and Group Yakking.