Utlian Civil War

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The Utlian Civil War was a conflict that took place in Utlia between the Monarchy of Utlia and the Royal Army + Various minor rebel factions. The conflict began X-X 10 TT.


The Monarchy of Utlia had been losing its historically high popularity with the crowning of Ywylin after the death of his older brother caused him to jump to King status. Ywylin was already seen as a greedy and incompetent man before his rise to rule, which then amplified these feelings. At the same time the Royal Army was hoping his older brother would be the one to be crowned due to his sympathy for the armed forces. Among Ywylins first acts, the most prominent being a slash to the RUA budget by 70%. This outraged the army who then began to secretly supply rebel, anti-monarchist factions such as the ROU (Radicals of Utlia) and PEU (Peasants of Eastern Utlia). Upon the leak of these secrets Ywylin ousted Mal Ignis, the RUA leader and was going to schedule him for execution. Mal used his high support and loyal troops to escape to Orena-Ut. There he, Yyme and Votan met and began to gather troops in preparation for their soon to be full scale revolt against the monarch.

Votan and Mal swayed many Utlian politicians to their side, saying they would get to keep their jobs in the event of the revolt, as long as they didn't support Ywylin.





The war saw the ousting of the monarch and any sympathizers to the monarchist cause, including any government and military office-holders. Any and all public symbols of the monarchy were torn down and replaced by the new Republic symbolism. The Noble Families of Utlia had any political power stripped, causing them to be largely vanity titles to signify historic wealth. Yyme Braia was put in as "President of the Republic" where he and Votan held full power. Mal and Yyme dissolved the RUA and replaced it with the modern branches that are now overseen by Mal.

