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Leader of the Akarinian Confederation
In office
16-5 1699 TT – 3-8 1680 TT
Preceded byGotiph
Succeeded byUkat
Personal details
Born2-12 1725 TT
Ablesken, Akarinian Confederation
Died3-8 1680 TT
Akarinian Confederation
Parent(s)Gotiph, Wok

Wayok was the 4th leader of the Akarinian Confederation, a son of Gotiph and a great-grandson of Kadar. He reigned from 1699 TT to 1680 TT.


Early life

Born on 2-12 1725 TT at the Tumak Ordok in Ablesken, Wayok was the seventh child and fifth son of Gotiph and the first and only son of his wife Wok. Five of the young Wayok's six siblings (his brothers Kalik, Jumak, Tordake and sisters Heylate and Korta) survived infancy. Not much about Wayok's early life is known because he was not expected to succeed his father.

During the Saekarinian War Wayok's two eldest brothers, Kalik and Jumak were killed. Following the war, Wayok's oldest living brother Tordake was expected to be named as Gotiph's successor, but instead Gotiph proclaimed on 26-11 1716 TT that Wok was his primary wife and therefor Wayok was his primary son and heir. Due to Gotiph's popularity few challenged this.


Gotiph died on 16-5 1699 TT and according to his wishes, Wayok succeeded him as the Leader of the Akarinian Confederation.

During Gotiph's reign the Ikane and Skrake had been absorbed by the Akarinian Confederation, and with them came territorial disputes with the neighbouring Weer Nation. Gotiph was a powerful and diplomatic man and during his reign the two groups didn't dare enter into open conflict with the Weer, but following his death they became more bold partaking in frequent border skirmishes with the Weer. These skirmishes got larger and bolder up until 24-3 1682 TT when the Ikane raided and razed the Weer village of Maisas. A week later the Weer Army entered the confederation and began occupying a sizeable section of land along the border.

On 11-4 1682 TT, Wayok spoke before the leaders of his drikes about the recent occupation of their land. He compared the Weer to the Andu who, prior to the formation of the Akarinian Confederation had constantly raided the Karin Plain in an attempt to keep them in an unorganised state. He advocated for the drikes to go to war with the Weer Nation as they had done with the Andu Kur decades before. Wayok's speech moved his followers with their unified army setting off for the occupied lands on 13-11 1683 TT.

Wayok and his forces arrived at the edge of the occupied zone on 2-1 1681 TT. It was at this point that the army split into two parts; one being led by Ekank of the Deram, which was tasked with liberating the occupied areas and the other half being led by Wayok which was tasked with journeying into Weer territory to capture one of their major cities as they had done with the Andu city of Kanda. His forces faced little resistance on their way through Weer territory up until their arrival at the outskirts of Manser on 15-2 1681 TT where they came into contact with the Weer Army. Upon making contact the two armies fought a battle which was decicevly won by the Weer who used their more advanced incendiary weapons to great affect. During the battle Wayok lost conciousness and was captured soon after.

Wayok and his men were imprisoned within the Manser Tower Prison. During his stay there he was forced to sign a large amount of treaties with the Weer Nation on the behalf of Akaria. On 22-2 1681 TT Wayok was forced to sign the Akaria-Weer Peace Declaration ending the war and establishing the official borders between the two polities. Many other treaties were signed by Wayok, including the Weer Merchant Protection Treaty on 9-4 1681 TT, the Weer Fishing Rights Treaty on 19-7 1681 TT and the Weer Garrison Treaty on 22-7 1680 TT. Wayok, along with the rest of his men were released on 24-7 1680 TT. He died on 3-8 1680 TT shortly after crossing the border into Akaria. His cause of death unknown it is commonly believed that he either killed himself or was killed by his fellow Karinians.