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The Skrake are one of the Kadrikes of Akaria and the rulers of the Skrake Kadrike.

Pre-calming history

Saekarinian Confederation

On 2-8 1740 TT the Bojin, Dakon, Ikane, Skrake and Uvak formed the Saekarinian Confederation to oppose the Akarinian Confederation, who they saw as ideologicaly opposed to the tradditional Karianian faith. On 7-2 1720 TT, the Saekarinians, attacked the Kakay, who were a part of the Akarinian Confederation, starting the Saekarinian War. On 16-8 1720 TT, Leader of the Akarinian Confederation, Gotiph, declared that any member groups of the Saekarinian Confederation who embraced Mirroi were welcome to join the Akarinian Confederation. The Skrake took up the offer on 17-10 1720 TT. The war was later won by the Akarinian Confederation.

Asscention of Ekank

On 17-8 1680 TT Ekank of the Deram claimed to have spoken to Kadar, Aket, Gotiph and Wayok in his dreams, who confered on him the right to guide the Karinians. After this Ekank and his allies the Bokok, set out recruiting allies to replace Ukat with Ekank as Leader of the Akarinian Confederation. The Skrake were among the allies recruited.

On 15-10 1678 TT The armies of the Skrake along with the Bokok, Dar, Ikane, Kakay, Perat arrived at Ablesken and met little resistance as they surrounded the Tumak Ordok. Once within the ordok, Ekank confronted Ukat with his claim. To the surprise of the attacking coalition, Ukat did not challenge Ekank's claim and stepped down as the Leader of the Akarinian Confederation. Before the leaders of the seven allied drikes and Ukat, Ekank declared that he, he was the King in Green, ordered to rule over the Green Pool by order of the Kings in Brown and supported in the Green Pool by the Kadrikes who descend from Kadar, the first Living King.

Todak Perikat

When Karkon took power the Akarinian Confederation lacked a standing army, instead relying on the forces of the individual Kadrikes that made up the country. He decided that in order to better defend themselves from a potential Andu Kur attack the Akarinian Confederation would need to acquire an army and to do that they would need to begin taxing their population. Putting taxes in place would not be an easy task as the Kadrikes were not used to the concept and might react harshly to them. Karkon decided that the best way to go about implementing taxation was to only tax his own allies. Shortly before 19-9 1602 TT, s deal was made between Living King, Karkon Deram and the Dar, Ikane, Kakay, Perat and Skrake they would allow their people to be taxed and in exchange, they as a group would decide on the next Living King. This established the Todak Perikat. On 19-9 1602 TT Karkon's 6th Dictate was issued establishing the Living Army.

Targhan Skrake was elected Living King on 26-7 1147 TT.

Marauder Crisis

On 11-6 1514 TT the Skrake's capital Skrasken was burned to the ground by marauders.

Bosken Perikat

On 21-8 2273 TT the Bokok, Lakar, Perat and Skrake formed the Bosken Perikat.

Supporting the Arkara

Between 819 TT and 706 TT, the Arkara were persecuted by the Deram-dominated Akarian government, the Skrake were one of the Kadrike who supported the Arkara and attempted to protect their members.

During the 18th Living Election, the allies of the Arkara managed to have Chormak Skrake elected Living King on 3-2 706 TT. Chormak's 1st Dictate was issued on 3-8 706 TT, ended the persecution of the Arkara and recognised the Arkara as a legitimate group.

The Skrake fought for the Arkara throughout the Able War.

Dugang Perikat

Ochi Skrake was elected Living King on 16-9 564 TT.

Agrada Perikat

On 29-9 146 TT the Deram overthrew the government of the Mikare and replaced their leader, Kamachium Mikare with his cousin, Echantium Mikare. The inability of Lasken Perikat to mount an invasion of the Deram Kadrike led to the Arkara, Ikane, Kakay, Perat, and Skrake forming the Agrada during the 38th Living Election.

False War

On 9-12 10 TT, the Leader of the Perat, Arkerus Perat announced that Tyshok Perat had uncovered a plot by the Arkara to try and seize more power within the Ossbosche Assembly. The Tyshok Report linked the Arkara to the deaths of multiple ossbosches and prominent udenbosches, including Ossbosche of Saekraim, Huzok Skrake. Leader of the Skrake, Meok Skrake declared the Arkara to be "traitors to their own movement" cementing their side in False War.

Meok had the Skrake support Harakar Oken as Living King following the 42nd Living Election.

Post-calming history

Arkara Uprising of 3 PC

On 4-2 3 PC Living King, Harakar Oken issued his 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches. On 8-2 3 PC Leader of the Arkara and Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of Harakar's 10th Dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The Arkara Army entered into defensive positions across the Arkara Kadrike and the city of Saeskar. The Living Army began assaults on various locations in the Arkara Kadrike on 14-2 3 PC whilst the Skrake Army attacked the Arkara's fortified position in Saeskar. The Skrake Army managed to secure all of Saeskar fairly quickly save for the Skrasken Ordok where the Ossbosche of Saekraim, Artak Arkara had decided to prepare for a siege.

On 24-3 3 PC Kamakata Arkara, Harakar Oken, the Ossbosche Assembly and the Skrake reached an agreement in which the Arkara would end the uprising, leave the Ossbosche Assembly and be be granted total amnesty for their role in the uprising.