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Leader of the Deram
In office
13-2 1683 TT – 23-2 1630 TT
Preceded byKonak
Succeeded byKamore Deram
Living King
In office
15-10 1678 TT – 23-2 1630 TT
Preceded byWayok (retroactive)
Succeeded byKamore Deram
Personal details
Born28-3 1705 TT
Akarinian Confederation
Died23-2 1630 TT
Ablesken, Akarinian Confederation
ChildrenKamore Deram
Parent(s)Konak, Mayak


Early life

Ekank was born on 28-3 1705 TT to Konak, Leader of the Deram. On his third birthday, Ekank, who was not among Konak's firstborn sons was sent to his mother, Mayak's drike, the Bokok to be trained. Konak had expected his son to be trained and raised by his grandfather Vorkat, instead, it was the Leader of the Bokok, Dorvat who raised him. Dorvat, who had been a close ally of Gotiph during the Saekarinian War, trained Ekank in both the art of warfare and diplomacy. He returned to his father's drike on his twentieth birthday.

Konak died on 10-2 1683 TT. After three days of mourning, his eldest son Borkek proclaimed himself the Leader of the Deram. Ekank challenged the proclamation under the right of blood. The two engaged in a duel with Ekank emerging victorious and Borkek seriously wounded. Ekank's other brothers did not challenge him, making Ekank the Leader of the Deram.

Leader of the Deram

In early 1682 TT, the Weer Nation entered and occupied a portion of the Akaria Confederation in response to a raid carried out by the Ikane. On 11-4 1682 TT Wayok, Leader of the Akarinian Confederation spoke to the various leaders of the tribal groups within the confederation and advocated for a war against the Weer Nation. Those present, including Ekank, agreed and set about raising their armies. Whilst planning the invasion Wayok put Ekank in charge of liberating the occupied lands whilst he would go well into Weer lands to capture one of their larger cities. The unified force set off for the occupied lands on 13-11 1683 TT.

The forces arrived at the edge of the occupied zone on 2-1 1681 TT where the armies splint and parted ways. Over the next few days, the forces occupying Akaria retreated over the Orsda Range into definitive Weer territory. On 22-2, 1681 TT a Weer messenger delivered a package to Ekank containing a treaty signed by Wayok that stated that the Akaria-Weer War was over. As the weeks went by more treaties signed by Wayok were delivered and more of Ekank's forces returned home believing the war to be over. On 22-7 1680 TT, the Weer Garrison Treaty was delivered to Ekank who was still camped near the border. The treaty permitted the Weer Nation to garrison an unlimited number of forces within the Akarinian Confederation. On the same day, the treaty was delivered the Weer Army crossed the border into Akaria and began laying down fortifications. Ekank dissolved his remaining forces and returned to his drike.

Wayok's body was discovered on 4-8 1680 TT, having died the day prior. Following this Wayok's son Ukat took over as the Leader of the Akarinian Confederation, though by this point the confederation was on the verge of disintegration. On 17-8 1680 TT Ekank spoke to Dorvat and claimed that he had spoken to Kadar, Aket, Gotiph and Wayok in his dreams, who confered on him the right to guide the Karinians. Dorvat's ossbosche Yakot interpreted this as the prior kings disapproving of Wayok's offspring and selecting Ekank to rule in his place. Both Ekank and Dorvat saw this as reason enough to remove Ukat from power. They both agreed that to do so they would need allies so the two set about convincing the other tribal groups to aid them.

By late 1678 TT Ekank and Dorvat had recruited the Dar, Ikane, Kakay, Perat and Skrake to their cause. On 15-10 1678 TT The armies arrived at Ablesken and met little resistance as they surrounded the Tumak Ordok. Once within the ordok, Ekank confronted Ukat with his claim. To the surprise of the attacking coalition, Ukat did not challenge Ekank's claim and stepped down as the Leader of the Akarinian Confederation. Before the leaders of the seven allied drikes and Ukat, Ekank declared that he, he was the King in Green, ordered to rule over the Green Pool by order of the Kings in Brown and supported in the Green Pool by the Kadrikes who descend from Kadar, the first Living King. This is the first known mention of "King in Green", "Kings in Brown", "Living King" and "Kadrike".

Living King

During the campaign to remove Ukat from power, many promises were made to would-be allies. Among them was the promise that Ekank would rid Akaria of the Weer garrisons that littered much of their eastern land. On 21-5, 1677 TT Ekank spoke before the Weer Nation's Oceanic Council to attempt to persuade them to remove the garrisons. After five days of negotiations, an agreement was reached; the Weer Nation would remove their garrisons from Akaria and in exchange all of Ekank's children were to be educated in the Weer Nation. Upon his return, Ekank was celebrated by his Kadrikes for removing the garrisons and for doing so via a great personal sacrifice.

Ekank died on 23-2 1630 TT.