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Zaahr is a mineral found in eastern and central Annanela Island along with smaller deposits on the southeastern coast of Keral Island. It is consumed via snorting it in a powder form or eating it in pill/pebble form. Traditionally it has been made into powder, or boiled and drunk in liquid form. It has powerful psychedelic properties and has been used for recreation for hundreds of years since it was discovered. It is known to cause extreme hallucinations and is said to cause ‘’zaahr music’’ to play in a user’s head after consumption. Users believe that they can reach a higher level of consciousness after a certain dosage, which they use to communicate with spirits and elemental forces. (this has not been backed up by science.) Its hallucinogenic properties and rarity have made it an extremely valuable commodity which is traded and sold in Kel-Elemi cultures and overseas.



On 22-7 9 PC, the Akarian Trade Fleet (ATF) established the 1st Drug Division to ship zaahr from Kel-Elemi to the Kingdom of Tietero. One of the 1st Drug Divion's ships, the ATFS Arakar, was bombed and sunk by the Sorewa Liberation Uprising on 28-3 10 PC, in response the ATF suspended shipments of zaarh to Tietero.

Zaahr shortage

On 24-7 10 PC, it was reported that the Kel-Elemi Civil War had caused a shortage of zaahr.