Caseic Federal Council

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The Caseic Federal Council is the ruling body of the Caseic Federation. The Federal Council usually consists of 323 Federal Representatives (19 from each state) who meet every three days in a Legislative Session.


The Federal Council is responsible for the Federal-level legislation of the Caseic Federation and is composed of 323 Federal Representatives (19 for each state). The Council is assembled every three days in a Legislative Session which occurs from 10:00 to 16:00. Legislative Sessions introduce new laws or repeal old laws. Legislative decisions are not officially enacted until 16:00 on the day of the session. Each state has its own method of choosing representatives: many elect their representatives every 3 Caseic years; others have the state leader appoint their representatives.


6-2 1 PC - Authorised the CFS Jiricaya and the CFS Fromachi II to explore the ocean following the Grand Calming.

2-8 1 PC - Permitted the free trade of coal and hydrochloric acid between the Caseic Federation and the Kingdom of Akaria.

5-1 2 PC - Authorised the CFS Jiricaya to find a route to Nongba.

28-5 PC - Rejected the possibility of joining the Eastern Bloc via a 167-156 vote.

17-7 6 PC - approved upgrading the steel mills in Abayea