2nd Agreement Agreement

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The 2nd Agreement Agreement, officially Agreement's 2nd Agreement was a treaty signed by Cok Ulri, Johnakar Oken, Kakaz Oken Pak Goose Step and Yyme Braia on 12-8 12 PC, following a meeting in Agreement, Haute eee.


The 2nd Agreement Agreement reaffirmed and clarified the policy of the Eastern Bloc.


The treaty states reafirms the right of people from Utlia and Akaria to freely live in and visit Haute eee. It also establishes that any with Utlian, Weer, Oken or Hautite passports may come to visit any Eastern Bloc nation for a limited time as tourists.


The treaty transfered Aharka Military Base and Akuta Military Base from Akarian-Hautean Alliance and Akarian-Utlian Alliance management respectively to Eastern Bloc management.