Last updated for 2 PC

Akuta Military Base

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The Akuta Military Base (often called the Akuta Base) is an Akarian-Utlian Alliance base in South Utlia, Republic of Utlia.


On 5-4, 2 PC the Akarian-Utlian Alliance was established through the Treaty of Peripha, which also set aside a plot of land in Utlia for the Akuta base. The base was established to both train members of the Utlian National Defense and garrison Akarian forces outside of Akaria. The base was completed on 14-4 2 PC.

Work began on expanding the base on 3-4 6 PC to accomidate a range for testing Akaria's new surface to air missiles. The new expansion tripled the size of the base.

President of Utlia, Yyme Braia visited the base on 9-3 11 PC.

The base was transfered to Eastern Bloc control on 12-8 12 PC via the 2nd Agreement Agreement.

The Akuta Military Base was put onto limited operational capacity on 29-3 16 PC, due to concerns over the recently discovered Mor-Virus-2.