Council of Akaria

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The Council of Akaria is the Kingdom of Akaria's legislature which is composed of the Ossbosche Assembly and the Kadrike Assembly.


The Council of Akaria may be summoned by the Living King to Saymok's Hall in Ablesken. Once there they may serve as an advisory council to the Living King. Traditionally the Council of Akaria is only summoned in times of emergency.



The Council of Akaria was formally established on via Arikarin's 715th Dictate, which also established the Ossbosche Assembly.

Grand Calming

On 24-1 1 PC Living King Harakar Oken met with Council of Akaria to discuss the Grand Calming. During the meeting Harakar proposed a series of reforms to the Council of Akaria which he claimed were necicray to keep Akaria secure. The Council agreed with Harakar leading to the issuing of Harakar's first four dictates.

Dakota Mine

In early 10 PC, the Oken began operating the Dakota Mine in the Deram Kadrike. They employed Karinians workers in the mine. By tradition Karinians were not supposed to be used to mine with that job being reserved for the enslaved Andu, as such the use of Karinians in the mine was kept secret. Word of their use slowly got out and the mine faced hardships including a blockade and multiple killings. Harakar suspected the Arkara to be behind it and, on 17-1 12 PC, ordered the Council of Akaria to assemble so he could accuse them.

The Council of Akaria assembled on 12-8 12 PC. At the meeting Harakar was unable to determine who was behind the mine's hardships and many of the Kadrike heads were annoyed at having been summoned over what they viewed as a "mining dispute".