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The Andu are an ethnic group native to the island of Akaria.



Like other Akarian Cultures, the Andu descend from the Early Akarian People. Specifically, they descended from Early Akarian People who lived within the Thessda Range.


Starting around 2400 TT, the Andu entered a period of great technological advancement and were soon the most advanced ethnic group on the island of Akaria. As such, they very quickly entered into a state of ethnic dominance on the island.

On 24-5 2045 TT the two largest Andu states, the Borra Kur and the Amba Kur merged into the Andu Kur. The remaining Andu states joined the Andu Kur soon after. This brought about the beginning of increased hostility by the Andu against the Weer, the Karinians and the Ald.


On 26-4 1791 TT, the Andu Kur launched a large-scale raid against various tribal groups of the Karin Plains. The Andu believed that the various tribal groups were working towards unification and attacked in an attempt to prevent it, this was not out of the ordinary for the Andu Kur. On 1-1 1790 TT, the Weer Nation launched an attack against the Andu Kur, using newly developed incendiary weapons. Seven days later, the Andu Kur diverted almost half of their forces from the Karin Plains to help fight against the Weer Nation.

The war against those of the Karin Plain ended on 11-7 1787 TT with the loss of the city of Kanda. The war with the Weer only ended on 6-6 1780 and was far more devastating to the Andu. By the end of the war, the Andu Kur were driven out of almost all of their territory that was not within their native Thessda Range.

In the years following the wars, the neighbours of the Andu constructed a large wall surrounding what was left of the Andu Kur. Andu outside of the wall was assimilated into other ethnic groups due to hostility from the other ethnic groups.

On 15-2 1110 TT, the Kingdom of Akaria, the Andu Kur's sole neighbour attacked the Andu Kur. King Urdono of the Andu Kur was captured by Akarian forces on 27-2 1105 TT and was executed in Aesdu on 7-3 1105 TT, bringing an end to the Andu Kur.


Following the destruction of the Andu Kur, the lands of the Andu were placed under the control of High Director of the Living Army, Umanay Deram as the Warden of the Andu. Umanay wrote and distributed the Andu Bakoro in an attempt to convert the Andu to Mirroi. On 11-5 1103 TT, after becoming Living King, Umanay issued his 1st Dictate recognise the Andu Bakoro as a religious text equal to the mainstream Bakoro and adopted an official policy of attempting to convert the Andu to Mirroi for eventual integration into the Kingdom of Akaria.

Umanay was succeded as Warden of the Andu by Nuchur Lakar, who was killed whilst walking down a street in Aesda. He was succeeded by Bonoi Deram who took on a much more aggressive policy when it come to dealing with the Andu. He and his forces would order the deaths of any Andu who they considered to violate Mirroite teachings. Bonoi was elected Living King on 15-6 1078 TT. His first dictate was issued on 12-5 1076 TT ordering the evacuation of all Andu from Aesdu and barred any non-converted Andu from leaving. The Living Army, under his orders in his capacity as Warden of the Deram, began gradually killing the remaining population of the city. Bonoi's 2nd Dictate, issued on 20-10 1076 TT ordered the destruction of every, road building and foundation in Aesdu which was completed by the end of the year. The city was completely gone by the end of the year. Throughout Bonoi's reign many more atrocities would be commited against the Andu by the Living Army.

Living King, Amkoi Deram issued his 2nd Dictate, on 4-12 1033 TT ordered the removal of the non-converted Andu from the Zomok Plain and called for the converted Andu to be moved there. The population transfer was declared complete on 28-6 1032 TT. Amokoi's 3rd Dictate, issued on 15-7 1032 TT, declared that the converted Andu were Andu no longer and gave them the name Ald. Amkoi released the 2nd Ald Bakoro on 22-5 1028 TT through his 5th Dictate. This new Bakoro removed all mentions of the Ald's relationship with the Andu. On 30-11 1021 TT, Amkoi issued his 10th Dictate ordering the construction of the North Andu Wall to seperate the lands of the Ald from the lands of the Andu. The wall was completed on 30-12 1116 TT. On 8-1 1115 TT Amkoi issued his 12th Dictate removing the Warden of the Andu's authority over the Zomok Plain.

The Deram moved their centre of opperations to their outpost of Dokaim in the Thesda Range in 564 TT, following the Purification of Able. They began removing Andu living near the outpost.


A deal was made on 13-8 454 TT between the Deram and Living King Klaichandoi Lakar which resualted in five dictates being issued, with the 1st, 2nd and 5th directly and indirectly affecting the Andu. The 1st re-established the Deram Kadrike and defined it as taking up around a third of the Thesda Range. The 2nd granted the Deram Kadrike funds to expand the Andu Wall to go around their kadrike and to remove any remaining Andu from the kadrike. The 5th established a trade deal in which Deram mined minerals were to be traded to the Weer for Weer made weapons. To increase the amount of resources extracted from their mines the Deram began to use the Andu as slaves.

As time went on the Deram, Living Kings and Living Press helped develop a beleif in Karinian society that Karinians were not fit to mine and that they needed the Andu to mine for them as it was their place.