Ossbosche Assembly

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The Ossbosche Assembly is the lower house of the Council of Akaria. The other chamber of the parliament is the Familial Assembly. The assembly consists of 39 elected ossbosches. Each osslette in Akaria has one ossbosche who represents their osslette in the assembly. The ossbosches are elected by the udenbosches in their osslette.


The Ossbosche Assembly came into existance on 30-3 591 TT through Arikarin's 714th Dictate following the Able War. At it's creation the assembly was composed of the ossbosches of the existing osslettes and was granted the power to veto any Living Dictate issued by the living king via a two-thirds vote. The definition of a Living Dictate was also changed to "any action of the Living King outside of his prescribed powers." The ossbosches themselves were also given greater protection from the Living King, with the king now no longer being able to remove them from their positions.

The veto requirement was changed from a two-thirds vote to a three-fifths vote on 18-8 317 TT via Horkoch's 7th Dictate.

On 4-2 3 PC Harakar Oken with the support of the majority of the Council of Akaria issued Harakar's 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches. Four days later Kamakta Arkara, Leader of the Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of the dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The assembly asked for assistance from the Harakar Oken who sent the Living Army to put down the uprising. Peace was achieved on 24-3 3 PC with the Arkara agreeing to step down from their positions in exchange for amnesty.