Deram Army

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The Deram Army is the subnational army of the Deram.


The Deram Army is led by a high director who is appointed by the Council of Restoration. The Deram Army is subserviant to both the Leader of the Deram and the Warden of the Andu.



The Deram Army was established on 22-4 1197 TT via Matart's 135th Dictate which declared that each Kadrike was to maintain a single unified army headed by a high director. The Deram Army was created by merging the Deram's previous assortment of armed forces into one.

Finding of the Andu Cube

The Deram Army found a mysterious artifact that came to be known as the Andu Cube whilst patrolling the Thesda Range on 24-6 9 PC. The object was collected and sent to Leader of the Deram, Ara Deram, who went on to send it to Living King, Harakar Oken. None were able to open it.

Dakota Mine

On 4-7 8 PC, management of the destroyed Dakota Mine, in the Deram Kadrike was given to the Oken, who began rebuilding the mine. The mine was reopened on 7-3 10 PC, using paid Karinian labour and imported mining equipment. This was contrary to traditional Karinian beleifs that stipulated that Karinians were unfit to work in mines. Ara Deram met with Harakar Oken in Dokaim on 11-9 10 PC and the two came to an understanding, establishing the informal Deram-Oken Alliance.

On 23-2 11 PC, the road leading to the mine was blocked by villagers from the village of Dakota. Work on clearing the blockade began on 5-4 11 PC. Seven of the workers clearing the mine were killed by an unkown gunman on 8-4 11 PC. The next day the town of Dakota announced that they would prevent any travel to the mine closed until all Karinians were removed from it. The Deram Army entered Dakota on 12-4 11 PC and forced the village to reopen the road to the mine.

Akarian Civil War

On 17-1 16 PC, the Arkara Army advanced into the Deram Kadrike, starting the Akarian Civil War. Shortly after they turned towards the Mikare Kadrike as the easiest path to Dokaim was through there. The Arkara's forces, along with those of the Kakay reached Mida on 17-9 16 PC where they began bombarding the city. Shortly after the Deram Army arrived in Mida to support the Mikare.

The Deram and Mikare armies began to withdraw from Mida towards Dokaim on 3-10 17 PC, allowing the Arkara to capture the city.

Following the capture of Mida the Arkara and Kakay continued thair advance towards Dokaim. On 19-1 18 PC, several hundred explosives planted by the Deram went off in the mountains above the valley that the Arkara and Kakay Armies were traveling through. The subsequent mountain collapse killed around a third of the Arkara and Kakay armies and caused their formations to disintigrate into chaos whilst the Deram and Mikare began their counter-advance.