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The Seireimeiko was mass rioting and political instability following Sorewa Liberation Uprising's attack on the Akarian Trade Fleet that lead to the Kel-Elemi Civil War.


The Sorewa Liberation Uprising (SLU) was formed on 5-1 9 PC to oppose the government of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic (CKER) with the goal of ending the oppresion of the Sorewa people that had been governmentaly supported since the establishment of the CKER in and to establish their own state seperate from the CKER. The CKER became aware of the SLU on 1-2 9 PC. President of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic, Robert Grayson ordered a crack down on people advocating for Sorewa rights, inadvertently strengthening the SLU's numbers and bringing about opposition to the anti-CKER .


On 28-3 10 PC, the SLU bombed the ATFS Arakar of the Akarian Trade Fleet, foreign target and a known source of income for the CKER and Robert Grayson. Following the attack a wave of anti-government protests and riots, now known as the Seireimeiko started in Kel-Elemi. On the day of the attack Grayson declared a state of emergency.

Grayson enacted marshal law on 2-4 10 PC and publicily requested intervention from foreign powers.

On 6-4 10 PC, the Commissar of Halma offered to interevene in exchange for an undiscolosed amount of land. Grayson, accepted the offer.

On 7-4 10 PC, rioters stormed the Bluerock House and killed Robert Grayson. Shortly after rioters affiliated with the SLU started forming platoons, signifying the end of the Seireimeiko and the start the Kel-Elemi Civil War.