Tyshok Perat

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Tyshok Perat is the Ossbosche of Saekraim.

Tyshok Perat
Ossbosche of Saekraim
In office
12-4 3 PC – present
Personal details
Born5-2 43 TT
Perisken, Kingdom of Akaria
Parent(s)Tikerus Perat, Shotor Ikane


Early life

Tyshok was born on 5-2 43 TT in the Pero Fortress in Perisken, Kingdom of Akaria. Tyshok studied at the Pero-Mirroites Institution from 33 TT until 23 TT when Tyshok graduated as a bosche. Five days after his graduation Tyshok was hired to serve as a bosche in the Osslette of Saekraim.

Arkara Plot

On 11-5 22 TT a small crate of fertiliser arrived at the Skrasken Ordok, whilst Tyshok was working as a package handler. A shipment of fertilizer arriving was not unusual but such a small shipment was. The crate was sorted into the ordok's stockpile. When Tyshok asked the osslette's Udenbosche of Resources, Artak Arkara, about this he was told that the fertiliser was for the Sotai family, whose last shipment had been slightly lacking.

On 14-3 20 TT Tyshok, whilst attempting to catch a bird that had got into the Skrasken Ordok's Tyshok stumbled upon the shipment of fertiliser that he had been told was bound for the Sotai family. Artak was away on a visit to his uncle, Living King, Bantar Arkara Tyshok decided to wait for his return to ask him about it. Four days later the package disappeared and two days after that an explosion killed Tortanch Bokok. The Living Press reported that he had been killed in a Deram-backed terrorist attack as retaliation for an insult he made to their leader during a visit with them a week prior. Tyshok did the math on the explosion and found that the bomb used to make an explosion of that size could have been made using the missing fertiliser shipment. This led Tyshok to believe that the missing fertiliser had been used to construct the bomb that killed Tortanch and that someone in the Saekraim Osslette was involved. Tyshok set about trying to solve this mystery.

He traced the shipment to Agrada and found that the Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara had purchased a large shipment of fertilizer and shipped it in small packages across the country. 21-4 14 TT the Ossbosche of Saekraim Huzok Skrake, who had noticed that Tyshok Perat would often spend his off time travelling, made him one of Saeskar's Udenbosche Ambassadors, so that he could conduct business with the other osslettes on his travels. He eventually gathered a large sum of evidence that many in the Arkara were behind what he coined as the Arkara Plot, which was a large number of assassinations of prominent figures across Akaria which often led to conflicts such as the Bokok Succession Crisis of 15 TT. Tyshok published the Tyshok Report on 9-12 10 TT detailing his findings. These findings led to outrage against the Arkara across Akaria. Living King, Bantar Arkara, who was not named in the report refused to condemn any of his fellow Arkara of the plot leading to the False War.

Exile in Perisken

During the False War Tyshok lived in Perisken. On 4-1 5 TT Tyshok was seriously injured in a bombing. His grandfather and Leader of the Perat, Arkerus Perat was killed in the bombing.

Ossbosche of Saekraim

Tyshok was elected Ossbosche of Saekraim on 12-4 3 PC following Artak Arkara's Living Dictate forced resignation.