Arkara Uprising of 3 PC

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Arkara Uprising of 3 PC
Result Akarian Victory

Kingdom of Akaria


The Arkara Uprising of 3 PC was a brief conflict fought in Akaria between the Arkara and the Living King.


On 4-2 3 PC Living King, Harakar Oken issued his 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches due to the Arkara's involvement in the False War.

Kamakta's declaration

On 7-2 3 PC three soldiers of the Living Army were killed whilst trying to physically remove Artak Arkara from his position as Ossbosche of Saekraim. The next day, Artak's father, Leader of the Arkara and Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of Harakar's 10th Dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The Arkara Army entered into defensive positions across the Arkara Kadrike and the city of Saeskar. Harakar fled Ablesken for Oksken on the day of the declaration. Two days later Harakar appointed Amarok Bokok as High Director of the Living Army, a position which had not been filled since the False War.

Conflict and resolution

The Living Army began assaults on various locations in the Arkara Kadrike on 14-2 3 PC whilst the Skrake Army attacked the Arkara's fortified position in Saeskar.

The Living Army was both numerically and technologically superior to the Arkara Army and quickly captured all the land in the Arkara Kadrike save for Agrada, Ablesken, Borkraim and Durantum where the Arkara had recruited large-ramshackle militias, whilst in Saeskar the Skrake Army managed to secure all of the city save for the Skrasken Ordok.

On 24-3 3 PC Kamakata Arkara, Harakar Oken, the Ossbosche Assembly and the Skrake reached an agreement in which the Arkara would end the uprising, leave the Ossbosche Assembly and be be granted total amnesty for their role in the uprising.


Kamakta Arkara and Artak Arkara stepped down as ossbosches on 24-3 3 PC as promised.