Caseic Federation

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 <title source="title1">
   <default>Caseic Federation</default>
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</image> <image source="image2"> </image> <label>Type of government</label> <label>Monarch</label> <label>President</label> <label>Prime minister</label> <label>Established</label> <label>Disestablished</label> <label>Population</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Largest city</label> <label>Notable Cities</label> <label>Currency</label> <label>Demonym(s)</label> </infobox> The Caseic Federation (informally known as Casea) is a federation of seventeen states located to the south-west of Utlia. Its territory consists of the large island of Casea, the small island of Brisa, and the archipelagoes within territorial waters of these islands. The Federation is ruled by the consensus of a Federal Council of 323 representatives, and as such has no singular de jure leader. To represent the Caseic Federation for the purposes of foreign affairs, the Federal Council appointed Casi Fromatica as the Federal Foreign Minister on 15-2 0 PC.

Post-Calm History

Fromatica Era

On 18-1 0 PC, the seas around the Caseic Federation mysteriously calmed, ceasing the millennia of tempests which had made the seas impossible to traverse. On 6-2 0 PC, following rumours of new islands across the seas, the Federal Council began an exploration initiative in hopes of peaceful first contact and thus authorised the CFS Jiricaya and the CFS Fromachi II to explore the seas in search of new lands. The CFS Fromachi II landed on the shores of Utlia on 12-2 0 PC, and initiated the First Contact Protocol. On 15-2 0 PC, Casi Fromatica, formerly the governor of Brisa, officially became the Federal Foreign Minister of the Caseic Federation.

On 18-2 0 PC, the Caseic Federation officially joined the inter-governmental radio system, allowing quick communication between the Caseic Federation and other governments. In the following days, FFM Casi Fromatica, as official speaker for the Caseic Federation, made several gaffes, which called into question Fromatica's ability to represent the Federation. However, despite these gaffes, the Federal Council decided not to remove Fromatica from office as many of them feared doing so would give potential adversaries an impression that the Federation was unstable and disorganised.

The rest of 0 PC was somewhat uneventful as Fromatica learned the necessary public speaking skills to avoid making gaffes on the inter-governmental radio. Although there was some anti-Fromatica sentiment on the day the seas calmed, especially in the north of the Federation, it began to dissipate after 24-2 0 PC as the Akarian-Caseic Trade Accord brought wealth to the northern port of Brenji. Fromatica gradually improved relations with both Akaria and the northern states of the Federation over time, and thus avoided removal from office.

On 18-4 1 PC, the Caseic Federation authorised the CFS Jiricaya to survey a potential trade route to Nongba. On 19-5 1 PC, Framjist militias began occupying the port of Brenji to enforce a boycott against the Kingdom of Akaria following the attacks on Niueyjar. The following day, Fromatica privately conversed with Harakar, inquiring as to the meaning of the attacks. On 21-5 1 PC, these boycotts ended when the Akaria-Utlia Strike Force rescued the Utlian sailors. Trade between the Federation and Akaria continued as previously.

In late 3 PC, with talks of the formation of an Eastern Bloc, Casi Fromatica expressed interest in joining. However, the Federal Council voted 167-156 not to join the bloc on 1-11 3 PC. On 22-1 4 PC, the Agreement Agreement was signed, forming the Eastern Bloc. Throughout 4 PC, the Federation experienced slight economic decline as markets in Akaria became more interested in Eastern Bloc goods than importing goods from the Federation. When Harakar Oken was transferred to Utlia for medical care, Caseic investors saw Akarian goods as being a less worthwhile investment, thus deteriorating Akaria-Casea relations by weakening the trade. No new international trade deals with the Federation were negotiated in 4 PC.

On ##-# 7 PC, an explosion occured at the Office of Federal Foreign Relations in Ibe-Jibin, killing 5 people and severly injuring 157 people. On ##-# 7 PC, the culprit was identified as Jirichaya Broom, leader of the boycotts in Brenji in 1 PC.

Internal Politics

The Federal Council

The Caseic Federation is a Council-ruled federation of seventeen states, wherein each state has its own method of government. The Federal Council consists of 323 Federal Representatives (19 for each state), who are responsible for Federal-level legislation. The Council is assembled every three days in a legislative session which occurs from 10:00 to 16:00. Legislative decisions are not officially enacted until 16:00 on the day of the session. Each state has its own method of choosing representatives: many elect their representatives on a 3-year<ref>All "years" in the Internal Politics section are 351-day Caseic years, not 360-day International years</ref> cycle; others have the state leader appoint their representatives.

State Leaders

Each state has its own system of government. The states on the island of Brisa and in the west of Casea tend to be democracies with governors regularly elected on multi-year cycles. The states in the southeast are monarchies ruled by dukes or kings. The states in the far north are also monarchies. In the middle is the Greater Nayela Union (G.N.U.), a state which is itself a council-ruled federation of two monarchies and three democracies.<ref>This is a simplification. The G.N.U. consists of the territories of West Nayela (a monarchy), East Nayela (a monarchy), Brenjia (a state ruled by a life-term president), Bainachia (a state ruled by a president who is chosen by a council of 189), and Abayea (a democracy with a president elected on a 10-year cycle)</ref> In the south is the Eparchy of Chaba, which has a one-year cycle of electing the Eparch through a convoluted process.<ref>The Eparch of Chaba is chosen using the following 1-year cycle: On -1-10 of every year, Eparch Applicants submit their applications to the Chaba Eparchy Council. On -3-10, the Chaba Eparchy Council then produces a shortlist of at most 20 Eparch Candidates, who are voted on by the general populace. The top 5 Candidates are then publicly interviewed by the Chaba Eparchy Council, and out of these, the current Eparch of Chaba chooses their successor. This successor becomes the new Eparch on -4-10.</ref> In the southwest of Casea are the states of Gache and Panifra, which have no de facto or de jure state leader as they are ruled by the consensus of state councils instead of an individual.

The Federal Foreign Minister

The Federal Foreign Minister is an individual selected by the Federal Council to represent the Federation from the pool of state leaders for the purposes of international affairs. It is a permanent position which can only end upon the death, resignation, or impeachment of the Minister.

International Relations

Kingdom of Akaria

Script error: The function "seeAlso" does not exist.

On 24-2 0 PC, the Caseic Federation established a trade accord with the Kingdom of Akaria, which granted free trade of coal and hydrochloric acid between the Federation and the Kingdom through the port of Brenji. Over the course of 0 PC, relations improved between the Federation and Akaria.

Haute eee






Main article: Framjism

The Framjists believe in two gods: Achea, the god of the ground; and Chae, the daughter of Achea and god of water. They believe that that Achea is eternal, benevolent, and the source of all life on the island. The Framjists believe that the island was created with the birth of Chae, whom Achea. Chae then surrounded Achea, and thus caused Achea to sprout plants, then animals, then humans. Chae gave the first human sprouted by Achea the name Framji, meaning “of the soil and water”. Chae then told Framji that her descendants were to care for the island, and that once her descendants had demonstrated care for the land, the seas would calm to reveal more land to care for. As such, Framjists avoid consuming meat, since they believe consumption of flesh would violate Chae's command.

Temples to Chae can be found throughout the north of the island of Casea, typically on the top of hills, where they can oversee nearby towns. Temples to Achea are also common. Whilst there are numerous Framjist religious texts, the ultimate authority on Framjist theology is the Conclave of Framche, who are assembled twice a year to resolve religious disputes amongst the various Framjist communities throughout the islands.


Main article: Gastism

The Gastists believe in three gods: Pechi, the god of the sea; Ajia, the god of the soil; and Jafei, the god of the sky and father of the other two. Traditionally, Pechi and Ajia are not worshipped by the Gastists, but are instead reviled. The Gastists believe that the world was formed when Jafei spawned the twins Pechi and Ajia, and that shortly after their birth, the twins perpetually fought with each other, causing much annoyance to Jafei. Thus, Jafei removed the left arms of Pechi and Ajia. By combining their arms, Jafei created the first human, whom he named Gasti. Jafei then commanded Gasti that he and his descendants are to prevent Pechi and Ajia from fighting one another. Jafei gave Gasti a fishing rod to control Pechi, and a spear to control Ajia. After the arrival of Gasti, Pechi became resentful of Jafei, and began producing storms to limit Gasti's descendants to the islands of Casea and Brisa. Ajia also began to resent the descendants of Gasti, and created her own group of humans to torment the descendants of Gasti. Thus, Gasti's descendants were limited to living on the coasts.

There are a few temples to Jafei in the south of the Caseic Federation, they are not as prominent as the northern states' temples to Chae. Most Gastists don't worship Jafei, inasmuch as they revile Pechi and Ajia. Additionally, Gastists are a decentralised faith, in that they have no central religious authority to resolve disputes. Thus, arguments about religious minutae are commonplace amongst Gastist communities.

Framjist Syncretism

Script error: The function "seeAlso" does not exist. Some Framjists are syncretists; that is, they believe in both the Framjist and Gastist theologies. In particular, they believe that Achea and Ajia are the same god. Syncretism is not endorsed by the Conclave of Framche.


The Caseic calendar uses a 351-day year, divided into thirteen months, labelled 0-9 then X, Y, and Z. Each month has exactly 27 days. The reference datum for comparision to the international calendar is that the day the seas calmed is 572-8-24. Prefixing C to the day indicates a subtraction of exactly 1000 years, and is used within the Federation for historical purposes.


International Trade

The Federation trades coal for hydrochloric acid with the Kingdom of Akaria.

Official Profiles of the Caseic Federation


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