Harakar Oken

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Harakar Oken was the Living King of the Kingdom of Akaria.

Harakar Oken
Living King
In office
30-10 2 TT – 19 TT
Preceded byBantar Arkara
Succeeded byArtak Arkara
Leader of the Oken
In office
10-4 17 PC – 19 TT
Preceded byJohnakar Oken
Succeeded byKuzakar Oken
Personal details
Born11-1 35 TT
Oksken, Kingdom of Akaria
Died19 PC
Off the coast of the Kingdom of Akaria
Spouse(s)Womanakar Oken
Or Deram
ChildrenDakar Oken
Parent(s)Johnakar Oken
Karlal Oken


Early life

Harakar Oken was born in Oksken on 11-1 35 TT, the first son of Johnakar Oken and his wife Karlal Oken. He and his siblings were educated at Naikar Memorial School in Okenate close to their family home. Harakar studied business at the Grand Weer University in Manser. On 20-12 13 TT, Johnakar gave Harakar control over the Oksken Fishing Company offices in Manser which put him in charge of the company's operations within the city.

As Leader of the Oken, Johnakar was entitled to submit his nominee for the next Living King to the Ossbosche Assembly. The Oken were fairly unimportant within Akarian politics and Johnakar's nominee being selected was unlikely. As Johnakar considered his work to be more important than potentially becoming the Living King he nominated Harakar in his place. On 9-12 10 TT the Perat announced that they had uncovered a plot by the Arkara to further increase their influence over Ossbosche Assembly. The documents presented linked the Arkara to the deaths of multiple ossbosches and prominent udenbosches. These revelations began the False War. The Oken had no ossbosches under their control and the few udenbosches they did have control over were of little influence. On 13-7 4 TT, Living King Bantar Arkara was assassinated triggering the 43rd Living Election. There was much debate within the Ossbosche Assembly as to who to replace Bantar with. The once esteemed Arkara had attempted to overthrow the assembly, whereas the Perat and their allies were suspected of having been behind the assassination of Bantar. On 30-10 2 TT the Ossbosche Assembly named Harakar Oken Living King.


Harakar ascended to a very precarious position. Few members of the public outside of Oksken knew much about the Oken. The Ossbosche Assembly had elected him by default rather than merit, and thus his position was not guaranteed security. Many of the Kadrikes were dissatisfied about the Oken being elected, considering that they had lost no one during the False War and it was rumoured that some of them were conspiring to have Harakar assassinated. Harakar did not use his limited powers immediately to allow his public popularity to grow.

Grand Calming

On 18-1 1 PC, the day of the Grand Calming, Akaria was opened up to the other nations of the Attu Archipelago and was thrown into a state of panic. Harakar ordered for the Council of Akaria to assemble which was done on 24-1 1 PC. During the meeting, Harakar managed to gain the Council's support in issuing his first four dictates. These dictates in order; permitted the Living King to make treaties with other nations, established the Akarian Scouting Force to find other nations, permitted the Living King to organise Akaria's forces how he saw fit beyond their borders and gave the Living King the ability to create what was essential Kadrike Law beyond the borders of Akaria. During the Assembled Period the Living King was a primarily religious and ceremonial role in Akarian society with most of the power in the country being held by the ossbosches and the Kadrikes, these dictates restored the Living King's role to one of significant political power.

After making contact with several nations Harakar issued his 5th Dictate on 18-2 1 PC which helped to establish the Inter-governmental Radio System (IGRS). Harakar issued two more dictates on 22-2 1 PC. The first established two foreign zones in Akaria, one around Oksken and one around Manser. The second permitted the Living King to censor any news going through either of the foreign zones.

On 25-3 1 PC Harakar established both the Akarian Navy and the Akarian Trade Fleet, with the fleet being owned by the Oken.

Early trade deals

On 23-4, 1 PC Harakar and Yyme Braia of Utlia agreed to a trade deal, where Utlia would provide the Oken with coal in exchange for hydrochloric acid. This furthered Akaria-Utlia relations. Later that year, Harakar and Casi Fromatica of the Caesic Federation drafted a trade deal, in which the Caesic Federation provided the Oken with coal in exchange for hydrochloric acid. The deal was officialized by the Caesic Federation on 2-8 1 PC, after 3 days of negotiations. The deal furthered Akaria-Casea relations.

1st Conflict with Nieuyjar

During early 2 PC, it became known to Harakar that the Nation of Niueyjar, was in the midst of a civil war. It was understood by Harakar, that the winner of this war may pose a threat to the rest of the archipelago. On 5-4 2 PC Harakar and Yyme founded the Akaria-Utlia alliance as a measure, in case the winner of the civil war attempted conquest. At the same time that the alliance was founded, a plot of land on Utlia was reserved for the Akuta military base.

On 15-5 2 PC, Erak, in Niueyjar was attacked by Reformers, during the attack Utlia lost contact with a ship of theirs which was in the port delivering crabs to Vidar Astridson. Vidar claimed that there had been an earthquake and that the sailors had broken their legs and were unable to speak. Sceptical to this claim, Yyme and Harakar sent a strike force commanded by Akarians and composed mostly of Utlians to Niueyjar to rescue the sailors. On 18-5 2 PC, as the part of the strike force was approaching, the ship travelled through a reef off the coast of Niueyjar, which was spotted by a Niueyjara scout. Vidar threatened to kill the family of whichever leader was responsible for this incident. The strike force extracted the sailors on 20-5 2 PC. Following the rescue of the captives, the actions and cause of the strike force were revealed. Vidar continued to make death threats towards Harakar and Yyme along with their families and people. On 9-12 2 PC, after lengthy planning, the Akaria-Utlian alliance began supplying Vidar's enemies, the Traditionalists with weaponry.

Arkara Uprising of 3 PC

On 4-2 3 PC with the support of the majority of the Council of Akaria and his father, Harakar issued Harakar's 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from being ossbosches. Four days later Kamakta Arkara, Leader of the Arkara declared his defiance of the dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. Harakar fled Ablesken for Oksken and two days later appointed Amarok Bokok to serve as the High Director of the Living Army. The conflict ended on 24-3 3 PC when the Arkara agreed to step down from their positions with the promise of amnesty.

Haute eee Agricultural Crisis

On 13-9 4 PC Harakar agreed to send 40,000 Akarian agricultural workers to eee in an attempt to resolve the Haute eee Agricultural Crisis in exchange for the creation of the Akarian-Hautean Alliance and the establishment of the Aharka Military Base.

Eastern Bloc and coma

Harakar met with Cok Ulri and Yyme in Agreement from 23-1 to 24-1 5 PC to discuss the formation of an economic and military alliance between their three countries. The Eastern Bloc was founded on the second day of the summit. The day after the summit Cok invited Harakar to his residence to discuss his plan to hold a plebiscite in Siô on independence from Haute eee. During the meeting, Harakar fell into a coma after consuming some dandelion bread and was hospitalised in eee. Shortly after, Johnakar took over his duties as Living King. Harakar was sent to Utlia on 4-2 5 PC for further treatment. Harakar briefly regained consciousness on multiple occasions whilst in Utlia. On 22-4 5 PC after regaining consciousness Harakar managed to speak on the IGRS (as most of the things he had brought with him to Haute eee had been put in the room with him). He was unable to form any complete sentences, only getting out a few non-sensical sentence fragments before being sedated. The day after Johnakar had him returned to Akaria due to concern that the people of Akaria might interpret Harakar's ramblings as a brown walk and that they might be upset with Utlia for depriving them of information regarding the Kings in Brown. Harakar fully awoke on 20-6 5 PC and resumed his duties as Living King.

Tour of the Isles

On 5-2 7 PC, Harakar departed Akaria in the Giga-Yacht to visit all the nations of the Attu Archipelego in what Harakar coined the "Tour of the Isles".

He arrived at the Kingdom of Tietero and met with Reĝo Henriko II on 7-2 7 PC.

On 20-2 7 PC, Harakar arrived at Faltir and met with officials of the United Airfryer Enterprise.

On 14-3 7 PC, Harakar met Empress Heidr Gullveigdaughter on Niueyjar. During the meeting Heidr threw Harakar and Scribe to the Living King, Lightning Perat into the Dragon's Maw as punishment for the Akarian Massacre. Whilst in the maw, both lost consciousness and awoke some hours later having been pulled out by Heidr's geese.

Harakar visited the Caseic Federation on 8-6 7 PC and met with Federal Foreign Minister, Casi Fromatica.

On 10-6 7 PC the Giga-Yacht got swept south into the Southern Ocean, cutting off contact between Harakar and the known world. During their time in the Southern Ocean Harakar managed to befriend a southern squid.

The Search for Ara Deram

The Dakota Mine –one of the many mines in Akaria opperated by the Deram– ceased to function on 17-2 8 PC. The next day Harakar began looking to meet with Leader of the Deram, Ara Deram to talk to him about the loss of the mine. Harakar recruited Leader of the Perat, Storm Perat to help him track down Ara as he knew that the two had entered into an unwritten alliance.

Harakar, Storm and Lightning met with Ara on 23-5 8 PC. The meeting went poorly with a fight breaking out between the the Perat Harakar had brought with and the Deram. Ara broke Storm's pelvis and Lightning broke Ara's jaw. It was only through Harakar's intevention that they all survived the incident. The next day all trade ties between the Perat and the Deram were severed. Harakar had known that the Deram and Perat had been allying themselves against them and that their leaders would not get along in person.

On 29-8 8 PC the Oken and the Deram made a trade agreement.

2nd Calming

On 16-1 9 PC, radio opperaters across the Attu Archipelago began picking up radio signals coming from the Brchipelago. It soon became clear that a 2nd Calming had transpired and that new nations could be ascessed. On 18-1 9 PC the Harakar ordered the Akarian Scouting Force to investigate the source of the radio signals. The Serene Merchant Navy mobilised on 20-1 9 PC in search of other nations as evident by radio signals coming from the north of Akaria. Harakar did not want to risk provoking the Serene Merchant Navy as he did not know how large it was, but he did want to establish contact. On 22-1 9 PC Harakar ordered a single ship of the Akarian Scouting Force to be sent to find the Serene Merchant Navy.

9 PC Eastern Bloc Summit

Harakar attended an Eastern Bloc Summit on 15-2 9 PC. At the summit he convinced his fellow Eastern Block delegates that the Eastern Bloc should be supporting the Yotumic Divisionary Federation during the Niueyjar's Blockade of Nongba.

Akarian Ambassador to the YDF

On 8-7 8 PC Harakar appointed his sister Anarka Oken to serve as the Akarian Ambassador to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation. However, she was unable to immediately get their due to the Blockade of Nongba. She and her embassey staff only arrived at Nongba on 23-2 9 PC, having used Harakar's southern squid to carry her and her staff there.

Meeting with Spyron

Harakar and Johnakar met with Emperor Spyron, Lidoka Rondan and the Commissar of Halma on 19-3 9 PC in Oksken. At the meeting Harakar made his sister, Malanine Oken, the Akarian Ambassador to Spyron and sent her off with him.

Mystery Balloon

A mysterious balloon began haunting skies above and near Niueyjar on 22-3 PC. On 2-4 9 PC, Heidr asked Harakar to give the CNN some missiles for use against the missile. Harakar declined this request.

Andu Cube

The recently dicovoured Andu Cube arrived in Oksken, for Harakar on 8-7 9 PC, having been sent by Ara Deram, who was unable to open it. Harakar was also unable to open the cube.

Meeting with Edward

The Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP), under the leadership of Edward joined the IGRS 9-7 9 PC. Harakar wanted to meet with Edward and arranged a meeting through someone who claimed to be a member of the TLP. Harakar, Lightning, Yyme and Lieutenant President of Utlia, Votan Lainya traveled to Ronatana on 20-7 9 PC via stealth prawn. After arriving on shore the group was ambushed by Edward and some other TLP members who were unaware that any meeting had been booked. Lightning deescalated things and the meeting continued as normal after that with both Harakar and Yyme agreeing to begin trying to support the TLP. Harakar suspected Kamakta Arkara to be behind the false meeting arrangement.

Great East-West Meeting

Following their meeting with Edward, Harakar and Yyme organised a meeting between the leaders of the Eastern Bloc and longterm rival the CNN, who had long supported the TLP in their struggle against the YDF. At the meeting Harakar agreed to use Akaria's embassy in Nongba to build a spy network and that Utlia and Akaria would take over supplying the TLP from the CNN.

International pitball league

On 14-1 10 PC, Harakar sent a book containing the rules of pitball to Cok Ulri and Heidr Gullveigdaughter in hopes of getting an international pitball league together.

Bombing of the ATFS Arakar and intervention in the Kel-Elemi Civil War

On 28-3 10 PC, the ATFS Arakar of the Akarian Trade Fleet was destroyed by the Sorewa Liberation Uprising (SLU). Among the dead was Harakar's nephew Bort Oken. Two days after the attack Harakar convened a meeting of the Akarian-Utlian Alliance in Oksken. At the meeting it was decided that High Director of the Akarian Navy, Akrake Oken was to plan the Akarian and Utlian intervention against the SLU.

Karinians in the mines

On 7-3 10 PC, the Dakota Mine, now owned and run by the Oken, reopened using hired Karinians for labour instead of enslaved Andu, as it had previously used. By tradition Karinians were not supposed to be used to mine with that job being reserved for the enslaved Andu, as such the use of Karinians in the mine was kept secret. Ara, was one of the few who knew Karinians were used in the mine, and opposed their use, but still maintained the secret to avoid the Oken and Deram's mutual rivals from using that information against them. Ara met with Harakar in Dokaim on 11-9 10 PC, the first Living King to visit the city. During the meeting Harakar convinced Ara that it was in their best interests to have Karinian's work in the mine as they could extract minerals using industrial equipment as opposed to primitive tools. The meeting also led the establishment of the informal Deram-Oken Alliance.

On 23-2 11 PC, the road leading to the mine was blocked by villagers from the village of Dakota. Coordinated protests in support of the blockade broke out in Peripha, Grada, Bokrate and Harkor on 15-3 11 PC. Work on clearing the blockade began on 5-4 11 PC. Seven of the workers clearing the mine were killed by an unkown gunman on 8-4 11 PC. The next day the town of Dakota announced that they would prevent any travel to the mine until all Karinians were removed from it. The Deram Army entered Dakota on 12-4 11 PC and forced the village to reopen the road to the mine. The action of the Deram a wave of unrest across Akaria as large portions of the population (particularily those from the Perat, Arkara, Banokan and Kakay Kadrikes) held great resentment towards the Deram. This unrest led to protests and riots calling for the removal of Harakar from power and the ending of ties between the Kingdom of Akaria and the Deram. The riots were some of the worst Akaria had ever experienced and Harakar used his 7th Dictate to prevent countries outside of Akaria from learning about them.

Harakar suspected the Arkara to have been behind some of the hardships facing the mine so on 17-1 12 PC, he ordered the Council of Akaria to assemble so he could accuse them. The meeting was held on 12-8 12 PC and went poorly for Harakar as he was unable to figure out who was behind it with many of the Kadrike heads being annoyed at having been summoned over what they viewed as a "mining dispute".

House in eee

In early 13 PC, Harakar Oken secretly purchased a vacation home in Ulri, Haute eee, to serve as a place for him to live in the event he was overthrown. On 6-3 13 PC, whilst Harakar was at his vacation home, the Weer Chronicle released an edition claiming that he was missing. Two days later they released a statement in an issue clarifying that Harakar was alive and well in his eee vacation home, revealing it to the world.

Marriage to Or Deram

On 12-9 13 PC, Harakar married Ara Deram's sister Or Deram, further solidifying the Deram-Oken Alliance.

House in Utlia

On 29-5 13 PC, Harakar secretly bought some land in Direnomut and began constructing a manor for use in case he was overthrown.

15 PC Sarkist Riots

On 10-10 15 PC, exiled Akarian political-writer Sarkay Obat published a book that called for the end of censorship through Harakar's 7th Dictate and the abolishment of the foreign zones established by Harakar's 6th Dictate. On 27-10 15 PC, Sarkist riots kicked off across Akaria with the rioters demanding the abolision of Harakar's 6th and 7th Dictates. Several of the rioters breached Ablesken and managed to attack the Tumak Ordok before being subdued. On 25-11 15 PC, Harakar issued his 11th Dictate, which suspended his 6th and 7th Dictates and put border control under the authority of the individual Kadrikes.

Akarian Civil War and associated crises

On 8-1 16 PC a potato with a circumference of around 4 metres was uncovered by farmers in Bosken. The next day Harakar issued his 12th Dictate granting the Living King the power to confiscate any oversized livestock or produce for themself. He then used his new power to take the Bosken Potato from himself. Harakar was widley mocked across Akaria for this selfish act.

On 6-1 16 PC, the Deram purchased modern mining equipment from Niueyjar with the intent of phasing out slave labour and replacing it with paid labour using modern industrialised mining techniques. Artak reacted to this on 13-1 16 PC by ordering the Arkara Army to move against the Deram, starting what would become the Akarian Civil War. At the start of the war Harakar elected to take no action against the Arkara.

On 14-7 16 PC an ecological survey reported 400% more red spine eaters than usual, which posed a major risk for the combkar crop. On 16-7 16 PC, Harakar designated the red spine eater as a target for the Weer Biological Weapons Division, who began adapting Kadar's Fury to target red spine eaters. Further action was taken on 23-11 16 PC when Harakar issued his 13th Dictate removing all hunting restrictions on the red spine eater and placing a bounty of 5 grams of copper on each red spine eater.

Johnakar Oken died on 2-3 17 PC triggering the 5th Oken Election. Due to the death of Harakar's sister and Warden of the Oken, Emalk Oken a month ealier Harakar Oken was in charge of planning both her and Johnakar's funerals, which he elected to hold as a double funeral. The funeral took place on 7-4 17 PC and included guests such as YDF Leader Psaha Yol and Caseic Federal Foreign Minister, Siche Cujaen. Three days after the election Harakar was elected Leader of the Oken with 25 votes, coming from his wife, Womanakar Oken and Undantuk Oken. On 28-5 17 PC Harakar and Cok Ulri got into a dispute on the IgRS over Cok not attending Johnakar's funeral. Cok claimed that they weren't invited whilst Harakar claimed that they were and had refused to come due to Harakar's polygamy. A similar dispute took place following Harakar's wedding to Or Deram.

During 6 of 17 PC, President of Okrit, Aakar Orit began to face widespread protests in his capital Nkrama. Okrit was by Akarian standards a primative country, and Harakar felt that his forces could easily put down the unrest in their capital thus securing Okrit, under Orit as a loyal Akarian ally. On 28-6 17 PC Harakar propsed to Aakar Orit his plan to establish the Akarian-Okriti Alliance who accepted the proposal and set off for Akaria the next day to officialise the alliance and to avoid his imminent deposition. Aakar Orit and his family arrived in Oksken on 1-7 17 PC and officialised the alliance, Harakar's forces then got to work planning an opperation to retake Nkrama. The Akarian Navy and Living Army attacked and secured Nkrama on 13-7 17 PC, with Orit being put back in control of his country. Shortly after the Akarian forces began constructing a base for the training of Orit's forces.


In Niueyjar

A report was published in the CNN on 27-12 12 PC that labelled Harakar Oken and Cok Ulri as the Attu Archipelago's two least efficient leaders.