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The Perat are one of the Kadrikes of Akaria.


Early history

Little is known about the early history of the Perat.

War with the Andu Kur

On 30-10-1795 TT Kadar announced to both the Arkaran and the Amerkan which he lead the he had traveled to the Isle of Mirrors and dicovoured that their gods were nothing more than powerful spirits and that that he fought with the leader of these spirits and fused with it giving him foresight powers strong enough to allow him and his forces to drive back the Andu Kur during their next large scale attack.

The Perat joined forces with the Kadar's forces on 4-1 1793 TT.

The Andu Kur launched an invasion of Kadar's forces on 26-4 1791 TT.

On 11-7, 1787 TT Kadar's forces managed to route what was left of the Andu Kur and capture the Andu city of Kanda. Kadar and the leaders of his various allies remained at the ruins of the city for ten days. On that tenth day when no Andu forces arrived, they declared the war over and began discussing what to do next. It was three days after that on 24-7 1787 TT that the Akarinian Confederation was established with Kadar as its first leader. From that point on the Perat worked from within the Akarinian Confederation.

Todak and Bar Perikats

On 19-9 1602 TT Living King, Karkon Deram established the Todak Perikat composed of the Deram, Dar, Ikane, Kakay, Perat and Skrake to allow for the funding of the Living Army.

Nimbak Perat became Living King on 11-12 1544 TT.

During the reign of Saymok Deram, the Kingdom of Akaria had began to disintigrate into warring feyaks during a period known as the Marauder Crisis. The leader of one of these feyaks, Temur Bokok chalanged and defeated Living King, Bark Dar on 7-10 1471 TT and declared himself Living King. One of his advisors was Goghon Perat who went on to secure the Perat's membership in the Perikat.

Goghon himself became Living King on 6-2 1428 TT.

The Bar Perikat ended on 15-1 1419 TT when Dakarkon Deram declared himself Living King.

Bosken Perikat

Amkar Bokok was elected Living King on 21-8 2273 TT and formed the Bosken Perikat with the Perat, Skrake and Lakar.

Garikoph Perat was elected Living King on. 26-12 1123 TT. In mid-1120 TT Living King, Garikoph Perat announced an upcoming invation of the Andu Kur. On 13-10 1120 TT, Garikoph announced that his son-in-law Umanay Deram would be his second in command during the invasion. Garikoph faced criticised from his perikat for putting a Deram into the position and defended the appointment by claiming he was doing as Kadar did when he made Atet of the Deram his second in command. After the war ended in 1105 TT with the Andu Lands fully under Akarian control. Garikoph died in 1103 TT and the ossbsoches elected Umanay Living King, ending the Bosken Perikat.

Aesdu Perikat

Since the end of the Bosken Perikat and the start of the Aesdu Perikat the Perat had been members of the new perikat, but had very little power within it.

Chomort Perat was elected Living King on 20-1 1030 TT.

The Aesdu Perikat came to an end on 29-11 969 TT with the election af Vachar Sartak as Living King.

Perisken Perikat

Dakoph Perat was elected Living King on 16-10 952 TT beggining the Perisken Perikat.

Odakot Perat was elected Living King on 10-8 819 TT. Odakot banned people from claiming to be members of the Arkara on 19-8 819 TT.

The Perisken Perikat ended on 3-2 708 TT with the election of Chormak Skrake as Living King and the beggining of the pro-Arkara Saeskar Perikat.

Able War

On 18-3 602 TT Arikarin Deram was elected Living King and created the Limeskar Perikat, composed of the Bokok, the Dar, the Garvak, the Lakar and the Perat. On 21-8 594 TT Arikarin used the Living Army forcibly remove Amarkil Arkara from his position as the Ossbosche of East Able. After his removal, Amarkil wrote to his second cousin and Ossbosche of Saekraim, Makaro Arkara to help him get his position back. Makaro contacted other members of the Arkara and the former members of the Saeskar Perikat who began preparing their forces for war. On 29-10, 594 TT the forces of the Anti-Deram Coalition (ADC) set off for East Able beginning the Able War.

During the war, the Perat remained loyal to Arikarin Deram and the rest of the Deram until 1-7 593 TT when Arikarin's 481st Dictate was issued. The dictate ordered all kadrike armies to become subservient to the Living Army, this change led to the Perat and other Deram allies to defect to the ADC.

The ADC managed to breached the Tumak Ordok on 26-2 591 TT. During the battle for the ordok, Arikarin was killed with his remaining forces surrendering soon after. The ADC used Arikarin's body to issue three dictates in the dead hand; Arikarin's 713th Dictate nullified the majority of Arikarin's dictates, Arikarin's 14th Dictate recognized the Arkara as a Kadrike and Arikarin's 715th Dictate established the Ossbosche Assembly and formalised the Council of Akaria.

Agrada Perikat

On 29-9 146 TT the Deram, who had since been demoinzed by Akarian propaganda, executed a successful coup against the government of the Mikare and replaced their leader, Kamachium Mikare with his cousin, Echantium Mikare. Living King, Chogot Banokan declared no war. On 15-3 143 TT Bantu Arkara was elected Living King establishing the Agrada Perikat composed of the Arkara, Ikane, Kakay, Perat, and Skrake. No war was declared due to the Great Weer Fire of 143 TT.

Khobak Perat was elected Living King on 27-9 72 TT.

False War

On 9-12 10 TT, Tyshok Perat released the Tyshok Report, revealing that members of the Arkara had been responsible for the deaths of many high profile people across the Karin Plain. Living King, Bantar Arkara's refusal to condemn those named led to the False War. Drotur Perat was killed in a bombing on 16-7 6 TT along with both of his sons. Following the incident Leader of the Perat, Arkerus Perat sent his Storm Perat to the town of Orak to go into hiding. On 4-1 5 TT Arkerus Perat was killed in a bombing at the Pero Fortress. Storm was made Leader of the Perat on 7-1 5 TT from Orak. The False War ended on 14-7 4 TT with Bantar Arkara's assassination. Storm came out of hiding shortly after.

Bantar's death triggered the 43rd Living Election. During the False War the Perat had led the opposition to the Arkara and Storm assumed that that would translate into his candidat – his son Eltok Perat – being elected Living King. However, the ossbosches who were unafliiated with either-side in the coflict argued that they could not elect a candidate from the anti-Arkara side as one of them was likely responsible for the death of Bantar, leading to the unafliated Harakar Oken being elected Living King on 30-10 2 TT.