Great East-West Meeting

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The Great East-West Meeting was a secret meet up between the leaders of the Eastern Bloc and the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CNN).


The Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP) joined the Inter-governmental Radio System (IgRS) on 9-7 9 PC under the leadership of Edward. Shortly after Living King, Harakar Oken and President of Utlia, Yyme Braia visited Ronatana to meet with Edward. At the meeting both Yyme and Harakar agreed that they should begin supporting the TLP against the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF).

After the meeting the pair decided to arrange a meeting between themselves, the rest of the Eastern Bloc and the CNN, who were long term supporters of the TLP.


The meeting was held on 28-7 9 PC in Oksken. Several things were decided at the meeting:

  • The CNN was to increase the amount of their forces on Ronatana
  • Akaria and Utlia were to take over sending arms to the TLP
  • Akaria was to begin usign their embassey to the YDF to build a spy network in the country


Akareean delegation

Akarian delegation

Hautean delegation

Niueyjara delegation

Siôese delegation

Utlian delegation