Lidoka Rondan

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Lidoka Rondan
Leader of Clan Rondan

Lidoka Rondan is the Leader of Clan Rondan.


Visit to Attu

On 25-2 9 PC, Lidoka Rondan accompanied Emperor Spyron when he departed the Serene Union of Spyron to visit the Attu Archipelago in the aftermath of the 2nd Calming. They met with leader of the Yotumic Divisionary Federation, Yun Yan'il on 10-3 9 PC. The group arrived at the Kingdom of Akaria on 19-3 9 PC and met with Living King, Harakar Oken and his father Johnakar Oken. On 18-4 9 PC they arrived at Utlia and met with President of Utlia, Yyme Braia and Lieutenant President Votan Lainya.