Naikar Port

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Naikar Port is the internationaal port of Oksken, Akaria.

It's size and early construction has led the Naikar Port to being the bussiest port in Akaria. The port also has significant repair and maintenance facilities that are used by the Akarian Navy and the Akarian Trade Fleet.


Following the Grand Calming, Akaria required an international port to facilitate trade with other nations. Construction of the Naikar Port began on 27-3 1 PC being headed by the High Director of the Akarian Trade Fleet, Johnakar Oken. Construction of the port concluded on 24-12 of the same year.

Main areas

  • The Adazete Port: This is the larger outer dock of the port, where most trade is done.
  • The Vakair Dock: An all purpose dock reserved for use by the Akarian Navy.
  • The Oken Marina: A medium sized marina reserved for members of the Oken.