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The Arkara are one of the Kadrikes of Akaria and the rulers of the Arkara Kadrike.



The Arkara claim to be made up of descendants of Kadar through Wayok's son Ukat. These claims are verified only through Arkara-owned documents which are not publicly accessible. The Arkara was established on 1-1 920 TT by Katoi Arkara and would gain prominence under the leadership of his son Daroi Arkara.

On 21-8, 594 TT Living King Arikarin Deram used the Living Army to remove the Ossbosche of East Able, Amarkil Arkara from his position. The Arkara, with the support of their Kadrike allies then waged the Able War against Arikarin. By the end of the war in 591 TT Arikarin was dead and Akaria was under the control of the Arkara's coalition. On 27-3 591 TT, the Arkara were made a Kadrike through Arikarin's 714th Dictate, which was signed in the dead hand.

Dugang Perikat

On 28-4 591 TT, just after the Able War Makaro Arkara was elected Living King, marking the first time that an Arkara held the title and marking the start of the Dugang Perikat. Makaro's successor, Gonchidor Ikane was killed on 25-8 564 TT by Bolakh Deram in an act of revenge for the death of his father Arikarin. After the Deram refused to persecute Bolakh the armies of the Arkara, Dakon, Ikane, Kakay and Skrake entered and occupied the Deram Kadrike and began massacring members of the Deram and people affiliated with the Deram in what is now known as the Purification of Able. This massacre forced the Deram into the Thesda Range and marked the beginning of the Arkara occupation of the Deram Kadrike. Ochi's 20th dictate, issued on 20-9 536 TT ended the occupation by formally dissolving the Deram Kadrike and establishing the Arkara Kadrike in its place.

The Oceanic Council announced on 13-6 467 TT that the majority of their iron mines had begun to deplete and were expected to be completely out of iron within the next decade. Living King Oirula Dakon was advised to make a deal with the Deram who now lived in the iron-rich Thesda Range, but chose not to due to the Dugang Perikat's rivalry with the Deram. The 26th Living Election began on 19-7 460 TT following Oirula's death. At the election, the Arkara-affiliated ossbosches backed the Klaichandoi Lakar for Living King over their own Perikat's candidate. This led to Klaichandoi Lakar becoming Living King and the start of the Lasken Perikat. It is widely believed that the Arkara threw the election because they refused to make a deal with the Deram but knew that Akaria needed a deal to be made.

Agrada Perikat

The Deram executed a successful coup against the the Mikare on 29-9 146 TT and replaced their leader, Kamachium Mikare with his cousin, Echantium Mikare. The Akara, along with several other Kadrikes called for an invasion of the Thesda Range and the removal of the leadership of the Deram and the Mikare. Living King Chogot Banokan declared no war, choosing instead to put several sanctions in place against the Deram and the Mikare. Chogot died on 22-1 143 TT triggering the 37th Living Election, in which Bantu Arkara was elected beginning the Agrada Perikat. The invasion of the Thesda Range did not take place due to the Great Weer Fire of 147 TT ruining potential Akarian supply lines.

The Leader of the Perat, Arkerus Perat announced on 9-12 10 TT that his grandson Tyshok Perat had uncovered a plot by the Arkara to try and seized more power within the Ossbosche Assembly. The documents presented linked the Arkara to the deaths of multiple ossbosches and prominent udenbosches. These revelations began the False War, which saw the assassinations of many ossbosches, udenbosches and Kadrike members. On 13-7 4 TT Living King Bantar Arkara was assassinated which brought about lifeless year. During said period the Ossbosche Assembly was split on who to replace him with one group still loyal to the Arkara. On 30-10 2 TT the Assembly named Harakar Oken Living King bringing the Argrada Perikat to a close.

Calm Period

Harakar’s 10th Dictate was issued on 4-2 3 PC, barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches. Four days later Kamakta, Leader of the Arkara, declared his defiance of the dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. During the conflict, the Arkara Army clashed with the Akarian Holy Army in Agrada, Saeskar and Ablesken. The conflict concluded on 24-3 3 PC with Kamakta accepting Harakar's 10th Dictate.