Harakar's 10th Dictate

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Harakar's 10th Dictate was a living dictate issued on 4-2 3 PC by Living King Harakar Oken which barred members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches.


On 9-12 10 TT the Perat revealed a series of documents that linked the Arkara to the deaths of multiple ossbosches and prominent udenbosches as an attempt to increase their influence over the Ossbosche Assembly. These revelations began the False War which saw large scale assiassinations of political rivals by both the Arkara and the Perat and their allies culminating in the assassination of Living King Bantar Arkara on 13-7 4 TT.

Following the election of Living King Harakar Oken relations between the two groups continued to deteriorate. By early 3 PC, many Arkara had been pushed out of the Ossbosche Assembly. It was only with the support of the majority of the Council of Akaria and his father Johnakar that Harakar issued Harakar's 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches.


The dictate barred members of the Arkara from being elected as ossbosches and ordered any currently serving Arkara ossbosches to step down.


Three days after the dictate was issued three soldiers of the Living Army were killed whilst trying to physically remove Artak Arkara from his position as the Ossbosche of Saekraim. The following day Kamakta Arkara, Leader of the Arkara declared his defiance to the dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. Kamakta accepted the dictate on 24-3 3 PC following fighting between his forces and the Living Army.