Sarkist Assembly

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The Sarkist Assembly claims to be the sole authority on Sarkism, an ideology created by Sarkay Obat.



On 9-12 12 PC, the Akarian author, Sarkay Obat published a book advocating for the abolition of the osslettes and the purging of the Thesda Range of all Andu. The book also made the claim that the Andu, Sorewa and Tun'ilhameng were all apart of a singular race and that everyone else was apart of another, superior race. Shortly after publishing the book Sarkay, fearing Akarian retribution, went into exile in Haute eee. Sarkay published a second book on 10-10 15 PC. The book claimed that Akaria's policies in regards to foreigners and the spread of information was holding back the unifying power of the Eastern Block and called for the end of censorship through Harakar's 7th Dictate and the abolish of the foreign zones established by Harakar's 6th Dictate.

Both of Sarkay's books gained some traction across the Eastern Bloc, with proponents of his ideas calling themselves "sarkists". On 2-1 16 PC, Sarkay hosted a meeting for his follwers which he termed a "conference of intellectuals". On 12-5 16 PC, Sarkay declared the creation of the Sarkist Assembly, composed of 30 people who had attended his conference of intellectuals.


The Sarkist Assembly is composed of 30 members, at its creation 10 were from Utlia, 10 were from Akaria and 10 were from eee.


Name Seat Took office Notes
Mitok Arka Mitok's seat 12-5 16 PC High Director of the Karinian Star
Ratok Omiph Ratok's seat 12-6 16 PC
Sarkay Obat Sarkay's seat 12-5 16 PC Founder of Sarkism.