Niueyjara Civil War

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Thousands of years before the Grand Calming many of the human clans of Niueyjar were stuck in a constant state of war. The fighting ended when the reclusive Dvergur sent out a small number of their elder mages to end the ceaseless conflict. The subjugation was a bloody and brutal affair. Still, eventually, the Dvergur were victorious crowned one of their own as Emperor and founded Clan Kalifen who ruled the island unopposed until shortly after the Grand Caling. By this point, several of the clans had come to believe that the Dvergur blood in the royal family was diluted enough that they had a chance at self-rule.

How the war went

1 PC

The war began on 14-3 1 PC when the Emperor Olaf Fredradaughter and their family were assassinated by the Reformers, leaving the throne empty and with no clear line of succession. Vidar Astridson, de facto leader of the Traditionalists, Niueyjar and Niueyjar's representative on the Inter-governmental Radio System attempted to hide the war from the outside world by claiming that Niueyjar was just experiencing protests. The Nation of Niueyjar, under the authority of the Traditionalists shut down contact with the outside world on 1-5 1 PC.

2 PC

Contact with the outside world was reengaged on 5-2 2 PC with the announcement that the Niueyjara Royal Navy had been established. The Nation of Niueyjar shut down all railways on 7-4 2 PC to prevent their use by the Reformers.

On 6-10 2 PC, Clan Plogen changed allegiance to the Traditionalists after being conquered by Clan Erak.

The Traditionalists defeated Clan Hoydan on 13-11 2 PC who then joined the Traditionalists.

On 9-12 2 PC the Akarian-Utlian Alliance began supply the Reformers with military equipment following a break down in Akaria–Niueyjar and Niueyjar–Utlia relations.

On 13-11 2 PC Clan Snorstag was defeated by the Traditionalists and joined them against the Reformers.

3 PC

On 10-9 3 PC Clan Oyak was defeated by the Traditionalists.

4 PC

The Traditionalists secured the palace of Clan Kalifen on 23-1 4 PC.

On 11-3 3 PC Othkrot of Faltir, Kur-Gal offered to send military support to the Traditionalists in exchange for allowing an unrestricted amount of missionaries to preach in Niueyjar. Though the deal was accepted immediately it took until 4-3 4 PC for the Glykrot to pass the proposal. On 4-3 4 PC a combined Traditionalists-Faltiran force defeated Clan Norden.

On 7-3 4 PC the forces of Clan Helgen fired seven Akarian-made omtarre missiles at Erak, killing Vidar Astridson along with thousands of civilians. The next day the the Akaria-Utlia alliance announced their operation's success and announced the end of shipments to Norden, despite shipments having already been cut off by Clan Norden's defeat three days prior.

Clan Helgen was defeated by the Traditionalists on 15-3 4 PC, ending the Niueyjara Civil War.