Goghon Perat

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Goghon Perat
Leader of the Perat
In office
29-8 1440 TT – 19-4 1422 TT
Preceded byShakok Perat
Succeeded byPyok Perat
Living King
In office
6-2 1428 TT – 19-4 1422 TT
Preceded byTemur Bokok and Dar
Succeeded bySayaph Lakar
Personal details
Born5-12 1492 TT
Perisken, Akarinian Confederation
Died19-4 1422 TT
Outside Mida, Andu Kur
Parent(s)Biloek Oken, Shakok Perat


Early life

Goghon Perat was born in the Pero Fortress, in Perisken within the Akarinian Confederation, on 5-12 1492 TT. At the time of his birth, Goghon's grandfather Wakimbak Perat was the Leader of the Perat and it was expected that Goghon would one day also lead the Perat.

In early 1476 TT Wakimbak ordered Goghon to leave Perisken to join one of the feyaks to gain proper combat experience. He was told to return only when he received news of his grandfather's death. Goghon joined up with the Komur Feyak on 14-2 1476 TT.

Komur Feyak

Goghon rose quickly through the ranks of the Komur Feyak, becoming one of Komur Lakar's closest advisors by early 1475 TT. Komur himself retired from his position on 24-12 1474 TT and was replaced by Temur Bokok. Shortly after the change in leadership, Goghon recommended to Temur that they secure their grip on the lands they controlled. On 1-5, 1473 TT the Komur Feyak took control of Lasken, overthrew the Leader of the Lakar Okal Lakar and replaced him with Komur's son Bekar. On 16-5 of the same year, the Komur Fayak seized Bar. On 26-5 1473, before an invasion of the Garvak could be carried out Matok Garvak pledged his allegiance to the Komur Feyok and sent a large portion of his army to join them.

Early in 1473, TT Temur Bokok set out to establish himself as Living King which led to their invasion of the Deram Lands on 28-9, 1471 TT. On 7-10 1471 TT, with the Tumak Ordok surrounded Temur confronted Living King Bark Dar in the Tumak Ordok and challenged him for his leadership of the Dar under the right of blood. During the duel, Goghon remained outside ready to give the order to destroy the ordok if Temur was defeated. The order was not given as Temur easily defeated and killed the elderly Dar and declared himself Leader of the Dar as Temur Bokok and Dar. Goghon entered shortly after to witness the three ossbosches they had brought with them declare Temur Living King.

Advisor to the Living King

If Temur was to rule Akaria in the same manner that the Living Kings before Bark had done he would need to establish a perikat to draw taxes from. Goghon was sent to Perisken to convince his grandfather to have the Perat join the new Bar Perikat. When Goghon returned to the Pero Fortress his grandfather was not happy to see him as he had returned before his death. After explaining the situation Wakimbak agreed to have the Perat join the Bar Perikat.

On 12-9 1455 TT, four days after the death of his grandfather, Goghon Perat resigned as an advisor to the Living King and returned to Perisken. He had his firstborn son Pyok Perat remain in Ablesken to serve as his replacement.

In Perisken

Upon returning to Perisken Goghon began being tutored by his father and Leader of the Perat, Shakok Perat in the ways of leadership. Shakok like many Perat believed that the failure of Living King Saymok Deram was due to Saymok's laziness and his lack of desire to fight Akaria's enemies. Shakok Perat died on 26-8 1440 TT and three days later Goghon succeeded him as the Leader of the Perat. It was around this time that the Bar Perikat selected Goghon as the Living King's successor.

Temur Bokok and Dar died on 6-2 1428 TT. Goghon succeeded him as planned.

Living King

Goghon had been greatly influenced by his father and sought to fight Akaria's enemies. But at the time Akaria had no enemies, the only nation on the island that wasn't Akaria was the Andu Kur and they had been at peace for almost 360 years. Goghon decided that he would need to convince the public that the Andu Kur was still Akaria's enemy. It was known that the Andu kept Karinian slaves, but it was not well known. As a means to publicise this information, he issued Goghon's 1st Dictate on 29-8, 1428 TT. The dictate established the Living Press, a newspaper run by the Living King. The dictate also set up printing presses across Akaria and within the year of its creation, the Living Press was the largest newspaper in Akaria. In addition to reporting on real injustices towards the Karinians the Living Press would also make them up.

Goghon Perat launched an invasion of the Andu Kur on 25-7 1425 TT. Goghon personally led the Living Army along with the armies of the various Kadrikes. The Oceanic Council of the Weer Nation did not support the war and did not deploy the Weer Army. Goghon was killed by an assassin during the Siege of Mida on 19-4 1422 TT.