Skrake Army

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The Skrake Army is the subnational army of the Skrake.



The Skrake Army was established on 22-4 1197 TT via Matart's 135th Dictate which declared that each Kadrike was to maintain a single unified army headed by a high director. The Skrake Army was created by merging the Skrake's previous assortment of armed forces into one.

Purification of Able

On 25-8 564 TT Living King, Gonchidor Ikane was killed by Bolakh Deram. The Deram refused to hand over Bolakh to be tried prompting the armies of the Arkara, Dakon, Ikane, Kakay and Skrake to invade the Deram Kadrike on 4-12 564 TT. Whilst there the armies began massacring members of the Deram and people affiliated with the Deram in what is now known as the Purification of Able.

Arkara Uprising of 3 PC

On 4-2 3 PC Living King, Harakar Oken issued his 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches. On 8-2 3 PC Leader of the Arkara and Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of Harakar's 10th Dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The Arkara Army entered into defensive positions across the Arkara Kadrike and the city of Saeskar. The Living Army began assaults on various locations in the Arkara Kadrike on 14-2 3 PC whilst the Skrake Army attacked the Arkara's fortified position in Saeskar. The Skrake Army managed to secure all of Saeskar fairly quickly save for the Skrasken Ordok where the Ossbosche of Saekraim, Artak Arkara had prepared for a siege.

The Skrake Army proved unable to remove Artak, who only left after the Arkara recognised Harakar's 10th Dictate on 24-3 3 PC.