Tamik Bondeer

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Tamik Bondeer was the Ossbosche of Okenate from 18 TT to 7 PC.

Tamik Bondeer
Ossbosche of Okenate
In office
27-12 18 TT – 22-4 7 PC
Preceded byAnai Borkek
Succeeded byHavking Oken
Personal details
Born9-3 73 TT
Amoskar, Kingdom of Akaria
Died22-4 7 PC
Oksken, Kingdom of Akaria


Early life and ancestry

Much of Tamik Bondeer's family had initaily come from the Weer Kadrike, with Tamik's great-grandfather having been born in Manser. Despite this he had been raised as a follower of Karinian Mirroi.

Ossbosche of Okenate

Tamik Bondeer was elected Ossbosche of Okenate on 27-12 18 TT. Like all Ossbosches of Okenate before him since Naikar Oken's time as the Leader of the Oken, Tamik opposed the current psuedo-capitalist policies of the Oken and attempted to use his position both to fight the poverty their policies created and to hassle the Oken themselves. Though, also like his predecessors Tamik kept his complaints about the Oken within the Osslette to avoid potential retribution from the Living Kings or to give rise to a revolt against the Oken.

When Living King, Bantar Arkara was killed on 14-7 4 TT, Tamik along with all the ossbosches were summoned to Ablesken to elect the next Living King. The Oken were seen by most in Akaria as being an apolitical Kadrike as they did not participate vying for influence within the Ossbosche Assembly and rarely got into disputes with their fellow Kadrikes. As Tamik's concerns were with the Oken he elected not to go to Ablesken to remain focused on his conflict with the Oken. The election concluded on 30-10 2 TT with Leader of the Oken, Johnakar Oken's son, Harakar Oken being elected Living King. The rational being that any of the qualified candidates might have been responsible for Bantar's death and so an apolitical candidate had to be chosen. Tamik deeply regretted his decision not to attend as he could have easily persuaded his fellow ossbosches not to vote for Harakar and it was this regret that led him to become vocal about his grievances with the Oken.

On 25-3 1 PC by Harakar Oken issued his 9th Dictate establishing the Akarian Trade Fleet. He made his father Johnakar, who was also the Leader of the Oken, its high director. As high director Johnakar would often appoint his relatives to positions within the fleet and used the fleet to further the Oken's position. Tamik was a vocal opponent of this.

Tamik Bondeer died on 22-4 7 PC, when his car collided with another car in Oksken.