Timeline of the Tun'ilhameng Crisis

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7 PC

  • 28-7: 2,000 professors and former academics from colleges across Nongba revealed that their government had been hiding and destroying any schorly information that would suggest that the Tun'ilhameng are humans and not animals in what was known as the Tun'ilhameng Conspiracy. In response all colleges and universities in Nongba were suspended with classes and research canceled.
  • 19-10: Several Tun'ilhameng started fires across Ronatana. The fire quickly spread to engulf around 70% of the island causing the YDF to order the majority of Nongbans off the island, leaving the Tun'ilhameng in control of most of the island.
  • 20-10: Empress of Niueyjar, Heidr Gullveigdaughter, made a request to send a delegation to Ronatana to investigate the situation. Representative of the YDF, Psaha Yol agreed on the condition that they can't let any YDF citizens know.
  • 24-10: The YDF secretly founded the Yotumic Terror Defense Organization to combat terrorist activity.
  • 3-11: A factory on Ronatana –one of the last YDF controled facilities on the island– was attacked by unknown agents who destroyed all the machinery and stole all the gunpowder.
  • 16-11: 19 bombs were simultaneously detonated on Nongba. 80 people including 10 members of the YDF congress were killed. 190, including Representative of the YDF, Psaha Yol were injured.
  • 17-11: The YDF Congress elected Yun Yan'il to the position of "acting leader". Due to Psaha Yol's injueries, Yun Yan'il also took over foreign realtions.

8 PC

  • 1-1: The Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP) revealed its existance, claimed responsibility for 16 of the bombs during the 7 PC Terrorist Attack on Nongba, the 7 PC Ronatana Gunpowder Sabotage and the 7 PC Ronatana Fire.
  • 22-3: Independent reports from international interest groups suggested intelligence operations on Nongba increased 600% and Capital Punishment Increased 400% over the past few months.
  • 5-4: Several monks and TLP members were arrested after the monks had refused to hand over the TLP members to the YDF citing that "Hangmeng was against slavery".
  • 13-5: The YDF withdrew the few remaning Nongbans on Ronatana after the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CNN), succeccor to the Nation of Niueyjar, stated that they were interfereing with their investigation.
  • 7-6: The Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force Navy (YDFDF Navy) reported that their fleet had increased in size by over 80% in the prievious month.
  • 30-6: The CNN concluded their invistigation ruling that the Tun'ilhameng fully sapient race with their own language and culture. The CNN condemned the enslavement of the Tun'ilhameng began blockading Nongba. All trade between the YDF was severed. All YDF ambassadors in Niueyjar were recalled and the CNN embassy in Yotum was barricaded, leaving the CNN representatives trapped in Nongba.
  • 4-7: The CNN and the YDF exchanged ambassadors. The CNN returned Psaha Yol to the YDF. Yan Yan'ill accussed the CNN of poisoning Psaha.
  • 5-7: The CNN gives the YDF a Sfoly translation guide.
  • 28-7: The YDF began construction of the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Naval Platforms.
  • 11-8: The Yotumic Divisionary Federation Naval Platforms had began to take on the form of two concrete rings.
  • 14-8: The YDF discovered the Yolyuan-Ronatana Trade Route.
  • 15-10: The Yotumic Divisionary Federation Naval Platforms are completed.
  • 29-12: The Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force Department of Covert Operations discovered a makeshift radio on Ronatana.

9 PC

  • 21-1: The YDF Census Bureau reported that there were 30,000 Tun'ilhameng left on Ronatana. The YDF Agricultural Commission estimated that 150k tons of raw polbi was on Ronatana. The YDF Center for Rationing has predicted that YDF grain supplies will fall short of the required minimum for the year. Yun Yan'il maked a statement saying that reclaiming the lost grain is a high priority. The YDFDF begun planning an operation to recapture the grain.
  • 11-4: 9 PC Hangist Monastery Plot is discovered.
  • 3-6: The 9 PC Nongban Invasion of Ronatana started with the Battle of Ronailana.
  • 7-6: The YDFDF captured 35,000 tons of grain on Ronatana.
  • 16-6: By this point the YDFDF had captured 75% of the grain on Ronatana.
  • 17-6: The YDF finished construction of three more naval platforms.
  • 24-6: The YDFDF departed Ronatana after having recovered 90% of the grain there.
  • 26-6: The CNN established on embassy to the TLP on Ronatana.
  • 9-7: The TLP joined the Inter-governmental Radio System. Yun Yan'il failed to convince Edward to get the TLP to surrender.
  • 20-7: Living King, Harakar Oken and President of Utlia, Yyme Braia meet with Edward in secret and agree to aid the TLP.
  • 28-7: Great East-West Meeting, the leaders of the Eastern Bloc met with a representative of the CNN and agreed to work together in aiding the TLP. Akaria and Utlia took over supplying the TLP from the CNN. Akaria began building a spy network in Nongba.
  • 22-9: The YDF returns 30% of the grain it took from Ronatana to the TLP.
  • 27-10: The YDF attacked a TLP camp and captured 328 members of the TLP.

10 PC

  • 25-8: The YDF finished construction of new navel platforms, bringing the total up to 28.
  • 5-10: The YDFDF bombarded a port in Ronatana killing 23 people.
  • 6-11: The YDF destroyed the CNNNS Kyle Karenso after it left Ronatana.

11 PC

  • 30-1: The CNNN made their first supply run to Ronatana since the lost of the CNNNS Kyle Karenso.
  • 2-2: The YDFDF assieged more vessels to patrol the areas not covered by naval platforms.
  • 3-2: The TLP won a battle against the YDF.
  • 21-4: Four people killed themselves in protest of the government of the YDF.
  • 16-6: The TLP won a battle against the YDF.
  • 17-6: YDFDF Naval Platform #6 exploded.
  • 26-6: The TLP captured YDFDF Naval Platform #6.
  • 6-9: The TLP won a battle against the YDF.
  • 17-11: The YDF captured a small abandoned settlement on Ronatana and fought a small skirmish.
  • 28-12: A large battle began on Ronatana.

16 PC

  • 28-8: 142 YDF soldiers died in a raid on a YDF stronghold on Ronatana.
  • 29-8: The YDF held a national day of mourning to the 98 YDF soldiers lost in a recent raid on Ronatana.
  • 24-9: The second largest YDF military base on Ronatana began burning.
  • 15-10: Yun Yan'il agrees to go to Ronatana to meet with Edward and negotiate a ceasefire.
  • 14-12: Yun Yan'il disappeared in the Nongban Sea en route to Ronatana. YDF patrols found TLP ships near the known location of YDF leader Yun Yan'il. The YDF Congress and press accused the TLP of assisinating Yun Yan'il. The YDF officially began their search for Yun Yan'il. The YDF found Yun Yan'il's vessel destroyed, approximately 3 leagues from Naval Platform 9.
  • 15-12: Psaha Yol replaced Yun Yan'il as leader of the YDF.
  • 20-12: The YDF placed a bounty on Edward.

17 PC

  • 28-7: YDF forces on Ronatana were crippled in TLP attack due to the fracturing of the YDF Congress.